


6 years, 4 months ago


meet ash!! he's a vampire man who been living for quite some time, like many centuries! he likes dressing in the latest fashion, and he absolutely adores crop tops !! his favorite color is pink ofc ;3c and also he loves kitties!! he has two sphynx kitties at home names rose and poppy. rose is kind of an asshole and always gets what she wants and has an attitude, but poppy is just the sweetest thing on earth and loves everyone! theyre demon kitties, so have an extended life span just like ash!

he's also a very flirtatious boy?? he flirts with everyone, and hes very flamboyant in personality. but he can never be in a relationship. in fact when he ever gets a serious crush hes just,,,such a fuckin dork!! and gets all stupid and flustered.

he has a drinking problem. he drinks under stress, at social events, in the morning, at night, at lunch, wehenver! he just,,,drinks a lot. he can hold his alcohol pretty well, but rip his liver. he does drink blood, but only when he needs to. blood is basically like water: its a necessity but he doesnt need to drink it all the time, or just water. he also dislikes the taste of blood, it's too boring for him.

ash | he/him | gay

6'3" - physically 27

-loves cats

-loves pink

-flirtatious, hot mess

-drinks all the damn time