
1 year, 10 months ago


 [He/Him], [Amais/Greenie(jokingly)], [Adult]
Sexuality: ???? (still figuring it out, he's just horny tbh)

The former prince of the goblin kingdom, now sent on exile because of his chaotic shenanigans
He doesn't travel alone however, His assistant and partner Angel tag along in his escapades through the galaxy
Amais is passionate, impatient, chaotic, but most of all deeply compassionate and caring. Though his actions tend to come off wrong, he means well all the same.

⭐ Amais is a goblin prince, or "was" for that matter. As a result of Amais' chaotic and "unsavory" behavior/shenanigans he was exiled from his home planet.
⭐ Amais is not the best at saying all the right things, he prefers to show his feelings through actions. Though he means well.
⭐ He has a short temper, insult him or the people closest to him and he will fly off the handle and beat your ass.
⭐ Amais is a horny little shit, he will try his best to get laid but no matter what, it never happens. (perhaps for the better tbh lol)
⭐ He suffers from anxiety, though a lot of the time he tries to hide it to seem strong. Though that doesn't stop him from trying to vocalize his feelings when need be.
⭐ Although being a short goblin, he is pretty strong. Amais CAN hold his own in a fight when the need arises
⭐ Amais tries his best to protect his partner Angel, They're his closest friend and would be devastated if anything bad were to happen to them.
⭐ Amais carries a plush from childhood of a "Dragoraff" (dragon/giraffe mix), the name of that plush is Rose/Roro (that plush means a lot to him.)
⭐ Amais has 2 little sisters! (he cares about them very much, as they care about him as well)

74192224_bbQeIUh22qbzJM4.png[More info to come later]
[Amais' bio and facts are still being developed, as this character is apart of an ongoing RP between Sandmeister 
and I]