


1 year, 10 months ago

Basic Info


3k ac


Rewriting wip - xxxxxxxx

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Rattlewhoop is a large (13in), heavy (15lbs), short-furred tom with light blue eyes. His pelt is a rusting black base with classic tabby markings and 10-20% white. He has one white half-leg marking on his left foreleg and a large, curled bobtail. He is a perma-queen/den-dad around 40 moons.

Rattlewhoop, despite his imposing size, is quite the playful tom. He spends his days in the nursery, caring for the kits when their mothers need a break. When he was an apprentice, he got caught in a snare, causing severe damage to his right hind leg. Thankfully, an apprentice from another clan was able to save him. The young tom stayed with Rattlepaw at his clan until Rattle was able to walk again.

When, at last, Frecklepaw had to return to his own clan, both apprentices were heartbroken. In their two moons together, they'd grown close, developing crushes on eachother. However, this wouldn't be the last they saw eachother.

For another moon, Rattlepaw would sneak out of camp to meet Frecklepaw, and the two would tell stories and just... Enjoy eachother's company. Though a river separated their territories, they never seemed to mind. Until, that is, one stormy day. Shortly after both received their full names, the two crossed paths again. Now Rattlewhoop and Frecklefall, they decided to stand face-to-face once more.

Only... The river was raging. Storms had flooded it, and it was dangerous. Frecklefall was far too stubborn for his own good and, against Rattlewhoop's pleading requests, decided to cross. He didn't make it far before it swept him away. Rattle didn't think twice before leaping into the water. Luckily for him, he was able to reach the spotted warrior and grab his scruff.

With much difficulty, he fought his way to the opposite side of the river. Only... Freckle was long gone. In the chaos, he'd drowned, and this left Rattle grief-stricken. The tabby himself was unable to move much, as his leg -which had never quite healed properly- had gotten twisted. This meant he was unable to walk. A patrol stumbled across the two, and brought them back to Frecklefall's camp. Thankfully, the leader was understanding, despite the grief of losing his nephew, and allowed Rattle to stay until he was healed enough to return home.

A moon later, and he was back in his own camp, sad and angry at the world. In an attempt to find comfort, he had a fling with another warrior, which resulted in a litter of two. Though he and Cactusfire had no interest in becoming mates, he doted on his kits mercilessly, giving them all the love he could. The two mollies were loved and spoiled, and when they finally received their warrior names, Pinwhistle and Jaggedantler, he was the first to cheer.

He has moved on from Frecklefall's death, but still cherishes the memories he made with the tom. He'll tell his kits stories on patrols about him.