


1 year, 11 months ago


Name: Paradisa "Miseria"
Nickname(s): Misery, Cursed Fish, Bad luck charm, Killjoy

Quiet and unpredictable, Miseria's the wild card of her family. Growing up in a huge family (7 to be precise!), she learned that just because you're family, doesn't mean you have to love them.
She used to make silly little charms here and there with pearls and crystals that grew from her shoulders, however, three of her sisters forcibly began taking them from her, causing her pain.
This went on for such a long time until she tried fighting back. It didn't go well for her at all. Because of this incident, her charms began to turn into curses and this in turn, made her sisters begin calling her "Miseria" in exchange.

Her name can mean anything, just like her pearls and crystals, unfortunately.

Fun fact(s):
-Mikaela, Heaven, and Bon-Bon tore her crystals so much out of spite really. There could not be anyone with more charm than them.
Her shoulder getting scrapped and hurt wasn't thought out, and her eye getting blinded was just collateral and accidental (she doesn't believe it).