Giles E. Cadwell



1 year, 9 months ago


HUGE WIP but here he is! my silly little guy :) He's a tryout for the [Wayward to Wilds] campaign!

quick rundown of who he is until I code his profile:

A small-time alchemist in New Star City, settled in a little nook away from the worst of the bustle. He maintains his own supply of plants in a spare balcony-turned-miniature-greenhouse, and as such is able to sell homemade remedies and medicines at lower prices than fancier, outsourced vendors. This does mean he runs low on stock rather quickly, though, and his business has stayed quite small - only well-known among some little communities nearby.

He used to travel in his spare time, hiring a plant-sitter to care for his herbs while he was away; but after a particularly hair-raising encounter with a Boundless while on the road (the incident that earned him that split in his ear) he hasn't been wandering much.