


6 years, 4 months ago


name: anatoly briar 

age/birthday: 16, nov 10 (scorpio)

sexuality/gender: gay, trans boy (witch)

race: thai-white 

voice actor: ?

appearance: 5'1, looks smaller even in high shoes because he's so thin. bony and covered in scars, especially on his face. caramel brown, unruly hair - stays that way even when brushed so there's not much point in trying to tame it (although people have tried). sharp fingernails. has a chunk of his earlobe missing from being injured. scarred back + calves, with an especially deep scar down his spine. also has a few surgery scars.

personality: bratty, insensitive and childishly cruel. rarely if ever thinks of anyone but himself and lives on the concept of being constantly amused and pampered - and goes into an awful mood if he's not being entertained. however, he's an extremely gifted witch with an endless talent for attracting death. frighteningly in touch with the dead - human or otherwise. loves being paid attention to and can - and will - act up when he feels he's not getting the amount he deserves. he does, however, have his vulnerable moments - moments in which he is ill or exhausted where all he really wants is someone who won't walk in and out of his life.. just for a second. no one really knows this side of him, though.

likes: pranks, attention, being pampered, magic, reading, head massages, apples

dislikes: being told what to do, being yelled at, being compared to his twin brother

hobbies: magic, reading, pulling pranks, lounging around


  • surprisingly clever despite his childish attitude
  • has nightmares frequently and avoids sleep because of them
  • has an inferiority complex 
  • frightened of needles and being put under for surgery 
  • frequently in hospital against his will because his use of death-related magic takes a heavy toll on his body that he doesn't deal with very well.