Eyria Euric ✪



6 years, 3 months ago


  • Eyria Euric

  • Age 22
  • Gender Female
  • Race Albain
  • Role Protagonist
  • Story Decay of Terra Hvara
  • Created Oct 2016
7308822_QGsUXgvRKCFwiHS.png>"Write a quote here....."

Personality: A very kind, and seemingly carefree person. Born to a world with a single nationality, she's doesn't understand the racial tension of the racially diverse Terra Hvara and will rush forward to help anyone. Because she doesn't want to accept that she probably can never return to her homeworld, she often comes off as being very aloof and not totally connected with what's occurring around her.

A girl who awoke in a world not her own, the world Terra Hvara, and the world is dying. After appearing in this world through the first portal of the Tree of Life that this world has seen in over a millennia. The native people believe she was chosen by the Tree and might be able to stop the world's decay and is sent on a journey to try to find a way to stop the world’s, Terra Hvara’s, decay. Confused and distraught, Eyria feels she has little say in the matter sets out on this hapless journey laid out before her.

Design Notes and Art Permissions

Hair Color: Magenta

Eye Color: Dark Grey

>>>Her Pupils are White<<< , it is a trait of her race.

((if you have a style that doesn't depict pupils, don't worry about it though. but if you do draw out pupils, please at least make a version with them white, I know it can be weird if you don't normally draw white pupils on a character, but this trait is very important))

-Minor Gore/Blood is okay (try to keep it related to battle)

- Otherwise no NSFW art without permission

-Try to stay in character if possible. Feel free to interpret

-Changing his clothes is allowed/ encouraged

-Feel free to draw him with any of the characters in links, any of my characters, or even with your ocs if you have an idea.


DoB: date of birth
Origin: Terra Arafa
Height: how tall
Build: petite
Demeanor: content
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She uses a ritualistic short sword as a medium for her magic (she's able to use magic without it, but the magic is much weaker.) She primarily focuses on healing and defensive magics. (She is very insecure about her magic ability and struggles to use it if she doesn't have her short sword, which was given to her as a gift from her brother).



The Fauna of her Homeworld, Terra Arafa, is comprised of large dinosaur like creatures. So after arriving to Terra Hvara, she is extremely fascinated my how small the animals are in comparison and that some animals are even domesticated and friendly towards people. She's definitely gotten a few odd looks after she referred to horses being tiny in size by some Hvarans who have no idea what she's comparing their size to.




Arryn Fenrir

[ Companion/Ship ] The man who first rescued her when she fell unconscious from the portal when she first entered Terra Hvara. After being given the task of saving the world by the King of Ynarvin, Arryn is her first companion tasked with protecting her and guiding her to the continent Hvarkairn. He's extremely (if not somewhat unsettlingly) calm, but for Eyria who is still freaked out by her situation, finds his calmness reassuring.



[ Companion ] .



[ Companion ]
