3626- Karl πŸ’•





origin abnormal . nature starry-eyed . boundary derelict observatory . size lengthy

species esk . collection MYO . designer karrimara

uncommon traits flecks, unique markings, bold markings, dark mask, eyespots

rare traits flexible tail, glowing markings, unusual coverage, bright eyes, iridescence

nature features moon rock, ivy

mutations long-bodied, shape-shift (length), pattern-shift, oddity (metallic neck), animal trait (antennae)

original form telescope

accessoryΒ glass dome

ownership Alphabaetafish

βœ”οΈ can gift, swap (esk only)

❌ cannot trade (non-esk), resell

owner history

gifted via wellspring to karrimara
karrimara traded (tf) to Alphabaetafish