Noelin Arzana



2 years, 1 month ago


« ~【**G E N E R A L   I N F O**】~ »

➠Name: Noelin Arzana

➠Trollhandle: tranquilTide

➠Age: 69 sweeps

➠Gender: fingender

➠Sexual Orientation: not sure

« ~【**T R O L L   I N F O**】~ »

➠Caste: Fuchsia

➠Sign: Axora - The mellow one 

➠Typing Quirk: ∘˚˳°∘° Her text is surrounded by airbubbles. Sometimes ∘˚˳°∘° they’re in the middle too. ∘˚˳°∘°

➠Lusus: Deep-sea Axolotl

➠Original Planet: Alternia

➠Classpect: Seer of Breath

« ~【**B I O G R A P H Y**】~ »

➠Personality: Just as the streams deep down at the bottom of the ocean, Noelin‘s personality is characterized by tranquility and calmness. Living her life away from the world with no one but her lusus by her side, the fuchsia has learned to appreciate the small things, the simple ones. There are not many things that can rouse her anger or strike fear in her heart. There would never be a debate that the way she lived was no actual freedom in the eyes of others, but to her it was the most free she’d ever be, and being able to have made that decision herself - to face danger ahead and be granted with her life in return, was the most she could’ve ever wished for.

The dainty troll is soft-spoken and gentle, silent on her feet albeit tends to get a little overwhelmed sometimes by all the things out there she hasn’t known of before. Even after living on land for a while, there is always something new to see, to feel, to smell and taste, all these noises she never heard before down where no light would reach her.

➠History: If you are born in a world where there can be only one of your caste, you have either the choice to die or emerge as the victor. Of course, being a little grub, or maybe even a pupa, there really is little you can do against someone as powerful as Her Imperial Condescension. And even tho Noelin knew she’d die, running away never even once crossed her mind. What good would it do, living her short life in fear instead of enjoying what she had? So on the day the drones found her she didn’t resist nor try to flee, walking the path to her inevitable end with her head held high. The empress wasn’t even on the planet to do it herself, but that didn’t mean she’d be let off the hook, of course… Alas. Drones malfunction sometimes. At least this one did - oh, it stroke down on her with the intent to kill, indeed, but when her body hit the water and sank into the deep dark abyss in a cloud of her own blood, did it come to make sure she was dead…? No. What a lucky coincidence.

Well, good things usually don’t come without a price. Noelin had to pay for her life with not one but both of her hands, her arms severed at the elbow as the drone’s weapon pierced her midst. It was only thanks to her lusus that she was able to survive this horrendous injury in the first place - the young fuchsia had fallen into a deep slumber, from shock or to protect herself, who could tell? She was being cared for by her guardian in the depths of the ocean far away from everything that could harm her for sweeps and sweeps until enough strength had returned to her body and she was able to awake on her own. Her body was scarred and weak but she was indeed *alive* - and to top that, the empire thought she was dead! Oh, so much freedom was regained by *dying* that day! How marvelous!

Not once did Noelin loathe the exile she had chosen for herself; not once did she regret not running away that fateful day! She was free and no one could take this from her!

**Until the merge came.** She almost missed it, seeing that she and her lusus were so deep down in the trenches of the ocean. Only by sheer luck were they transported and the ocean around them integrated into the world they now call Amalgama. Of course, the fuchsia knew right away something big must’ve happened. It took her a while tho until she dared to near the coast. After all, if word of her being alive would spread, her freedom would go up in smoke. It wasn’t until she saw another fuchsia, one she had never seen before, bath freely in the ocean, without any care in the world! Could this be possible? Sending out her lusus she started to collect information about this new world that had formed seemingly out of nowhere. And indeed, things had changed - a lot! Maybe… maybe it was okay to leave the ocean for a little while after all. The old empress didn’t seem to be here anymore. The little uneasiness she felt was quickly overturned by sheer excitement. A world she was never able to experience before now revealed before her! What a miracle! Of course, beyond of royal blood, there were a lot of duties she had to bear once word spread there was another fuchsia. Which… wasn’t necessarily something she liked. There were always two sides to a coin tho. If this was the price for being able to experience something new everyday, she was willing to pay it. A shackle she would have to accept. 

➠Skills and Abilities: She often has an instant connection with people, a calm way of speaking and even if she doesn’t open her mouth, her presence alone can make others feel at ease. Her patience seems to be bottomless, hence why she’s good at working with humans and trolls alike.

Underwater she swims better than most fish, with her strong tail making her fast and agile. Her eyes are adapted to see with basically no light. 

➠Likes: just letting herself drift for a while, watching the sun shine on the ocean‘s surface from below, tea

➠Dislikes: crowded places and loud noises, overcooked meat, having to sit in one place for too long 

➠Likes: just letting herself drift for a while, 

➠Dislikes: crowded places and loud noises

➠Appearance: Noelin is of dainty nature, small and frail with an almost glowing pink tone to her pale skin and soft, golden highlights in her face and on her tender fins that are bioluminescent. The most striking thing about her would be her singular, curved horn and the long, rather strong tail growing from her lower back which gives her an absolute advantage over any other tailless seadweller as long as they are underwater. There is a fine webbing between her toes and would also be between her fingers, if she had normal ones. Since her lower arms were amputated when she was very young, she lived without them for a very long time and only now, on Amalgama, got them replaced by prosthetic ones. They are jet black, with fingertips in matte gold. She tends not to use them a lot of the time tho as she is used to, well, not having them. The gruesome scars of her botched execution are usually hidden under several layers of cotton or silk as she wears yukatas, kimonos and outfits akin to a miko.