
6 years, 5 months ago




Young Adult
Fox x Maned Wolf

Azael has been bonded to his 'pet' aye-aye, Jai, for many years. The pair have seemingly been inseperable following a chance encounter when Azael was a pup, and have been travelling together ever since. Azael is one of seven from a litter, and has spent a lot of his time trying to fight for his parents' attention. At least with Jai he knows his friendship is less of a battle-ground.


Azael is one half of the "twins", as they are called by the rest of the pack. Despite not being actual twins, Aza and his sister, Shiva share a twin like bond. He often spends his days meditating or practicing dark magic. It should be noted however that his use of dark magic is not always for evil purposes.

This boy is level headed and often keeps his sister Shiva in check when her temper gets the best of her. The crystal that hangs from his tail wrap strengthens their bond and even allows them to communicate telepathically.







  • peace and quiet
  • regular check-ins with Shiva
  • surprise treats from Jai
  • summer rain
  • crystals
  • swimming
  • night-time practices
  • losing control
  • bright sunlight
  • losing things
  • misconceptions re. dark magic
  • will always persevere
  • patience
  • seeing from both sides
  • knowledge of magic
  • organisation of collectibles
  • collecting crystals
  • exploring caves
  • meeting new species
  • being alone with thoughts
  • learning

"Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose.


Azael has never admitted it to anyone, but he is quite proud of the fact that he has inherited a lot of his mother's physical characteristics. His purple coat is second only to hers in glossiness. He is a well-groomed individual who takes a lot of pride in his appearance, however with the number of adventures he has had, it is somewhat surprising that he has managed to prevent his coat from being too badly damaged by the conditions he puts himself through.

Around his tail, you will find that he has a carefully wrapped and secured bandage, the end of which has a small charm. This is something he carries everywhere with him, as it is one of his main connections with his sister. If he is unable to carry it for any reason at all (injury, bad weather conditions, or a certain activity that he has planned to take part in) he will pass this to his aye-aye companion for safe-keeping.

As a pup, Azael was probably one of the smallest of the group, and often found himself being picked on by his brothers for being smaller than them. Thankfully for Aza, as soon as he reached young adulthood he begain to grow quite rapidly, and it wasn't long before he was able to look his father and brothers in the eye as equals. He has, however, remained quite slim and slender for the most part, and is seen to be slightly more feminine in appearance as a result. Whilst he won't say it out loud, he will always blame (without much seriousness) that Shiva is to blame for this.


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One of seven from the litter that came to be known as The Court of Miracles, Azael began his life fighting for the right to feed. A small pup, his mother often had to take care with ensuring he had the same opportunities to feed as the others. When he began to become closer to Shiva, he soon found it easier to access food - this is probably because Shiva ended up being one of the more confrontational members of the litter, and would make sure that Azael had the same opportunities as she did to progress.

Azael and Shiva soon began to separate off from the rest of the pack, and would find themselves exploring with one another. It was during one of these outings that he first met Jai, and it certainly didn't take long before the duo became a trio. With regular trips out to the nearby sights, Shiva and Azael swore to look after one another, no matter what might happen. When Azael first started to display an interest in the dark arts and magic, it was Shiva that would cover for him when mistakes happened. Over time he began to be able to control this, however he will always be grateful for what Shiva did for him. It was through one of his 'lessons' that he created a way for he and Shiva to remain linked at all times, and this is what ultimately led to the creation, or finding, of the necklace that he wears upon his tail.

Practicing dark magic however always had its consequences. When their beloved sibling, Kachina, passed away at such a young age, Azael swore to keep trying to use this magic for the right reasons. A few times since his first major breakthrough in magic, Azael thought he was able to connect with the soul of Kachina. He has, for a long time, been struggling with many of the more advanced spells and abilities that dark magic can bring, however he remains forever hopeful that he will soon have a grasp of the abilities to connect to the lost souls. He remains unsure as to whether his parents really know what he has been up to in his time however, but has never really dared to broach the subject with them. Shiva remains one of the only few who truly know his abilities and skills, and she remains a loyal and faithful guardian. In exchange for her silence, Azael does his best to try and keep Shiva out of harm's way, and will always do his best to intervene when she begins to display anger or aggression towards others. Even when apart, his psychic link with her is enough to stop her from lashing out at someone.


  • ● When Azael first encountered the ability to use dark magic, he believed that he would find his true soul-companion as a part of this process. Though he is close to Jai, he has always hoped to find a connection with another being as well, and one who could perhaps further his abilities.
  • ● Even though he did his best to try and outsmart his brothers, Azael will grudgingly admit to the fact that he feels they sometimes are better of than he in their abilities and skills. He has always been jealous of Khushnaseeb's pickpocketing abilities but remains worried that he may find out his secrets.
  • ● Azael believes in life after death, and hopes that his sister, Kachina, has found a new way to live on earth.
  • ● Somewhat surprisingly, his favourite colour is pink.
  • ● Azael is actually slightly afraid of the dark (at least for night-time), but mostly because dabbling in dark magic can result in such times being more dangerous for those who practice this form of magic.


profile html by Hukiolukio (based on colorful and RPG profile templates)