
Gender: Male

Age: ???

Birthday: July 31st

Height: 6’ 1”

Genie (Torso) Height: 4’ 6”

Hair color: Black

Eye color: Red

Tail Color: Orange

Genie Type: Ancient

Sexual Preference: ???

Job: Former Pharaoh’s Gift, Desert Healer

Loves: Glowing Health, Warm summer nights, Licorice Mint Tea

Hates: Plagues, Broken Medical Aid and Equipment, Spoiled Ham

   Aten lost his memory of his former life, only knowing his time from the start of creation. He was one of the few genies created for the Pharaoh of his time period. He was given a wooden staff to morph into one of his own, one he carries with him to this day. During his time with the pharaoh, it was a time of plagues and illnesses rolling into the desert kingdom in which the pharaoh needed his genie to help aid his people and crops. Because of this, Aten developed an intense knowledge of the health and anatomy of most humanoids while also becoming a guardian of sorts.

   When his Pharaoh died, he was sealed in his tomb along with him, left alone from the passage of time. Until his pharaoh’s tomb was broken into by thieves, stealing all goods and valuables resting around him including Aten’s vessel. He was soon released but nights later one of the thieves seemingly left for dead. The thief only wished for water, and Aten gave the man water in a drinkable glass. The two ended up bonding as he traveled the scorching desert, talking about their lives and what they’d done. On the final night, with the final wish, he was debating between his freedom and going home. In the end, Aten was freed from his vessel and before he began forgetting his magic, he sent the man to a hospital to be properly taken care of.

   Now Aten is a guide and healer to those that are traveling and marooned in the large and encompassing deserts of the world. His staff at night, making a glow as bright as the north star while warding off mirages and diseases. He cares not for sides or allegiances, only to help keep one safe on their long travels.