Brandi Chamel



1 year, 10 months ago


Brandi Chamel

Species Caiman
Gender Female
Pronouns she/her
Alignment Fire


Brandi is a magenta caiman with brighter pink and hot pink speckles on her snout, shoulders, elbow and legs. She has a peach belly and tail underside. She has dark purple ram’s horn and dark magenta spikes on her snout, chin and chest. Her claws and tail spines are dark magenta. Her eyes are bright cyan.

She often wears soft black fingerless gloves and button-up shirts with geometric patterns.


Brandi is serious, so much so some even describe her as uptight. She’s gruff and grumpy. She is very particular about a lot of things. For example, she despises when others call her anything but a caiman. She’s even somewhat standoffish, seeming to prefer her own company than anyone else’s. No one knows that this stems from a fear that those around her are in danger, created from a disastrous event in her past.


From her youth, Brandi had always been interested in magic and its applications. Born with her own ability, she was sent off to an academy by supportive families to further foster it. There she grew an interest in not only her own abilities but how to have others through outside devices. In her late years there, she devised an idea: a pair of gloves that can switch between abilities on the fly through different elemental energies stored in crystals. A number of other students were interested so together they decided to make it their final project.

Things looked up until the final testing period when disaster struck. The amount of energy stored in the item was too much and when Brandi tried to fire it off, it overloaded. The resulting burst of elemental power was so devastating it injured all present, even killing a couple of Brandi’s peers. While it was recognized as an accident, Brandi never forgave herself. She decided to never use any magic, her own or external ever again. Nowadays, she lives a quiet life in a small village within the Cajump Swamp.


Aligned with Fire, Brandi can produce flames from her hands though she doesn't practice often due to losing her immunity to fire in the accident. She used to practice a number of other elemental magicks through enchanted items but doesn’t much anymore.

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