Ma Limbo (Cassandra)



6 years, 3 months ago




Old ✦ Female ✦ Taken



An exile woman who runs a camp of misfits. She's been in the exile lands since she was 8 years old and was exiled due to attacking a royal.
She has many legends told about her and most think of her as this brute of women, though that part is semi-true. She is a strong woman from working in the camp raising others children and herding cattle. She's known as the mother of the exile lands mostly because her camp seems to have the bad luck of picking up lost and exile kids and she gets stuck raising them till their old enough to leave (if they want).

She didn't start caring about her looks till she met a man that changed her life for the better. Since meeting him she's tried taking a bit better care of herself so she could look nice for him. Old habits die hard though she still has her gross days when she's a mess from working too hard and too long.

  • Cattle Farming
  • Drinking
  • Arm wrestling 
  • Working out
  • Tannon
  • Any of her 'kids' in danger
  • Idiots
  • Mclacklan
  • Greedy Fools
  • Memories of the past


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus gravida dui nec ligula sodales, vitae facilisis nulla pulvinar. Praesent tristique, urna rutrum pharetra consectetur, lorem lorem sodales augue, nec gravida ligula metus eget sem. Nullam pretium ipsum sit amet placerat varius. Quisque lacus purus, imperdiet vitae ante et, egestas rutrum mi. Nulla tempor sodales dolor vitae tincidunt. In consequat aliquet orci at semper. Suspendisse auctor, tortor et imperdiet congue, odio est vehicula mauris, a pellentesque lacus erat ac nulla. Quisque elementum vel diam id sagittis. Nam ullamcorper quam metus, faucibus mattis diam luctus vitae. Aenean posuere metus vitae malesuada ultrices.

Proin ut nisi nec odio varius porttitor. Ut sit amet lectus efficitur, vehicula magna sed, dictum sapien. Proin eu risus porta ipsum interdum feugiat eu quis tortor. Etiam euismod bibendum imperdiet. Integer eget lorem at nunc semper vulputate. Morbi arcu augue, posuere in gravida in, tincidunt et enim.


  • Exiled at a very young age
  • Comes from a family line of 'knights' that served the clubs leader. They were wiped out when the true leader was sent off to sea and the jealous son took over. 
  • She holds pride in her family history even if most don't even remember them/her

Tannon -Partner


Griffith -Son



Owner: MrBoodle 
Rules:  none given
Obtained: Custom
Trade/sale status: NFT/S

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