Rayden Albert Draec



1 year, 10 months ago


Made my oc from closed species to my world (Asked artist and creator of closed species)
Was drawn by Theri_Dae, edits by me.
Link to closed Species self:


He may be a Lvl1 for now, but he is already a flirty,  cunning and mischievous guy. Not knowing that his attempt to steal a  valuable item, would turn out to be such an adventure with the Alchemists Linol

Rayden is from the old clan and part of being a rogue has his goals.
The symbol on his cape glows at night and lights up with his tattoo markings he has under the clothings. A proud member at that.

"Ray"  nicknamed grew up in the old fashioned city of Berle and with his  family clan being on the well side of society. Never feared of beeing  harmed or worse.
His family and clan were known as royals. Royal  indeed as the long bloodline had snuck their way up and with charme and  tricks getting on top of the good side. They are royal yes. (royal  thieves hidden) as their clan supports those in need. Think of it as a mix of Robin Hood meet´s united rounds of honor and such. They do steal  for the sake for the poor and only those who deserve this as well as the  rare items. They use info and items in exchange for other things as  they want to keep their side.
Ray´s Family  is most successful  lineage of master thieves in history. Numerous grand heists have been  performed by various members, occasionally by assembling other thieves  and experts of their fields around them to form their clan. The family  (and clan in general) is also one of the most honorable lineages of  thieves there can be; Draec steal only from those undeserving of what  they possess, due to underhanded dealings or more sinister arrangements.  Or crimes like kidnapping, heist, murder etc. A pervasive code of honor  binds each member of the family and clan, they heist is to deprive the  real criminals of their possessions — there is "no honor, no challenge,   no fun in stealing from ordinary people. Since that was easy and to be  fair, normal people struggle alot more. It´s part of family tradition  that the one becoming an adult (around 18) go on their own mission  (alone with no family member) and retrieve something of value or cause.  (if they find friends on the way then ok, but it is the one of the  family who has to bring it or have proof of their doing)

-Has a blue hipholster for his dagger. Gifted to him by his father. (The Leader of the Clan)
-Along 3 knives he had gotten as well on his left leg strapped.
-Booots  and harness above were done by a smith he tends to visit often (alone  to upgrade his weapons and maintain his precious items)
-His cape/coat has a hoodie and can fully cover his whole body.
-Scarf  is from his mother and would never remove it. (except for shower/baths  or special things, usually binds it somewhere on his body) After her  death, he swore to avenge her death (more on that later)


-While  he appears to have no way of transporting things, Rayden does have a  hidden small pouch and uses it to store small things.
-Very agile and swift using his air powers to adjust his running and his part flying.
-He  takes very care of his appearance and makes sure hair and tail are well  washed, groomed and cleaned. He takes a while but look´s amazing.  Rayden enjoys baths, onsen, showers and bathing in oils and bubbles to  keep his body well.
-Speaks very well, alluring, polite, flirtatious  and cunning in his ways. Rayden knows what he wants and lectures along  to make sure he is well prepared. Hates surprises and doesn´t trust  anyone at start.
-Skilled with his fingers, plays card games, chess and strategyas well as riddles.