
2165597.1418593380.avatar.png H A P P I N E S S

== Agender - Adult - Mortal - Too Young - Single - Warrior Jewel ==


UC Nose Edit
R Ears
Warrior Jewel


Tai is a synesthete and an an artist - she combines conventional artistic principles + theory with her own unique experience to create works in the vein of Vincent Van Goh.


RED is the colour of life and vitality, of anger and passion. It's powerful, It's dynamic; Both tender and merciless! It's a fiery colour, a hot colour - cinnamon and peppers are red. But it's also the flesh of sweet summer fruit; the juice that runs down your chin and quenches your thirst. Red is the blood in your veins and the blush on your cheeks, the sign on the corner that tells you to STOP. For Tai, Red is also the jingling of keys and the honking of horns. Every time a dog barks, they get a flash of red. Many short, sharp, sudden sounds are red! But not all. Violins and birdsong are also red, as are footsteps on the stairs.

ORANGE is citrus and sunsets; warmth, closeness, excitement. It's the soft glow of a light in the dark - a guiding force, a reassuring presence. It's camaraderie and friendship on a late autumn night, as the air cools and the leaves rustle overhead. But don't mistake it! Orange is also sharp and forceful - a colour that refuses to be ignored! It's a warning. A caution. Slow down - step lightly! Here there be monsters.... For Tai, Orange is when they cut an apple in half or step on a Lego, hear the hissss of an aerosol can or the mew of a cat. Many crisp, distinct sounds are Orange.

YELLOW is the sun overhead, shining in the sky. It's pure sweetness - warmth on your face, on your hair, on your back; a smile the world can feel! It wraps you in happiness and brings forth laughter from the most reluctant souls. Too much yellow can be tiring however. It's a stark colour - a searing colour. A colour of the wasteland and husks drained of life. Tai chooses to focus on the happy side though. They find yellow in the clink of glasses at a party, in the bouncing of a playground ball and the flutter of a book's pages! Many light, airy sounds are yellow, as is the sound of Tai's own voice.

GREEN is all around us. It's the blissful cool after a long, hot day - the joy of lying in the shade after jogging in the sun. It's the colour of richness, andance, and plenty. Go outside after a spring rainstorm and taste the air. Listen to the frogs singing in the canopy. This is green! Green is also the neighbor's lawnmower or a dripping faucet. Tai hears many droning, repetitive sounds as green. Sounds with depth and layers.

BLUE is a wide colour - a vast colour - a colour of unimaginable depths and breathless heights, of places and faces unseen! It's isolation. It's coldness. It gives as easily as it takes, and does both without remorse. Ever changing, restless, wanderning- Blue is, nevertheless, a mind at rest. Tai knows blue to be the wind as it rushes past their ears or the hum of an AC unit in the distance. The colour of shattering glass.... a sigh. Any echo or reverb will also add a tinge of blue to a sound, whatever its original colour may be.

PURPLE is the colour of rarity and richness, quality and extravagance. Very few things in the natural world are purple! It's fleeting, it's regal - it can't be held onto no matter how hard one tries. Touch velvet. Touch the silky petals of a newly bloomed rose. This is purple. Whisper into the wind. This is purple! For Tai, Purple appears when a clock ticks, or when a child laughs.