Audrey Rosegold



2 years, 1 month ago


Made my oc from closed species to my world (Asked artist and creator of closed species)

Was drawn by Theri_Dae, edits by me.

Link to closed Species self:

Audrey is the main assistant and lady in Igmacio s Mix Parlor. Ever  since she had been saved, given another chance in this new city, beeing  thankful  for all Ignacio has done for her. Now she is the main assistant an "Lady of the house " as she not only scedules the work for everyone, she manages right hand of Mr. Keegan and is a smart young  lady who knows the ins and outs of the place. 

Miss Rosegold posseses alot of talent that benefit her in everyday life and job. 

-fotografic memory and solution Management (can easily calm down heated discussions  or arguments and has a fast, efficinet and subtle way of getting things done, finds great solutions)

'Thanks to her, savings, co ops in companies and best picks of catering have been No.1 no wonder many companies now want to hire her.



Audrey  came from New York Gaidinia where things were always fast paced and one had to watch out from beeing used and simply casted. The young lady  had a history of modelling in the agency as a young lady (used to have long hair) and a glorious taste in style and apprarance. Her parents let  her finish the high up schools and universities inbetween her career  and profited alot from it. Of course and sadly having greedy and  dominant parents was no easy thing. They constantly were checking on  what she was doing, having to keep her head in books, lectures, watching out on her diet and no boyfriends as it would "damage" her (they didnt  want her to fall in love to disappear) a very strict household that let the young lady back then not enjoy it as she wants to. Even if she  did have a childhood friend and crush (they moved to new york just so she would forget him)

Back then she and another were in the same  agency and beeing in commercials for many things. It wasnt until a huge skandal (involving her and the headmanager of the company) and a big downfall from there as she had refused and denied. The truth behind it all lies deeper than one thinks and for this young lady it was more than  heavy weighing. Her best friend back then dropped her due to rumors and only the collegue of the company holds to her side as he knows the  truth. The two decided to move in together and hide for now before  things got worse. Her parents denied the young daughter (especially  since she didnt bring them any money and ... were no use to bother having her around) 

She hid her identity (cut hair and wore  glasses) and taking a job as an assitant of a designer company. Back then around 20. Where she made the company alot of profit and even more  ideas, bringing out a good clothing style that many adored. Bad luck  strikwd there as another move on her downed. The boss wanting more than  just profit and se denying. Fully rejecting her disgusting boss. Before she could tell police however, the company had made false accusations of stealing copany secrets, robbing of money as well as alot more. Making  it to a huge scandal and her behind jail. (She got out thanks to her best friend from the ol company and was trying to get back) 

It  didnt last long as many had recognized her soon after and fate wasnt  beeig kind to her in this she got robbed and almost left for  dead, finding herself in another city. Where at first noone seemed to care about her. Lost, cold and wintertime not beeing able to contact her best friend from the old company, Audrey was saved by Ignacio who had  spotted her and took her in. The cafe_mix club was a home for her.  Ignacio gave her a job and let her live in his apartment for now and saw how good and fun she had in her new job. Catering, taking care of  drinks, moving up to the job she has now.  Even as Ignacio then found  out who she was, he didnt believe them. After a private talk, he let her become his main assistant manager and co part of this company. Which built a huge boost and trust wthin. 

With Ignacio s help even finding her friend and giving him the job at the cafe-mix club. 


Audrey now working at the club, manages all one can think of. Alongside her best friend and co worker who runs the lower area. She has her own apartment and ever so is finally happy.

Now able to learn more about herself an what she wants in life. Rekindling on old contacts, on  hobbies she finally can do again and just beeing herself. 

