


6 years, 3 months ago



 » Believe in yourself and there will come a day when others will have no choice but to believe with you. « 


EXTRACTING DATA FILE 05/1 - A famous fashion designer and CEO of a luxury fashion company 
called O'Sullivan. His style is well known for being very extravagant and colorful, straying from
social standards. A hardworking individual who ironically judges a person beyond their looks _


name . . . . . . . . . . Devin O’Sullivan
nicknames . . . . .  Dev, Devo, Devi
. . . . . . . .  human
. . . . .  irish
. . . . . . . . . male
. . . . . . . . . . . . 34
. . . . . . . . februar 12
 . . . . . . . . . .179 cm | 5'10"
 . . . . . . .  homoromantic / pansexual
occupation . . . . .  fashion designer, CEO, model, costume designer

face claim . . . . . . 
voice claim 
. . . . Hiyama Nobuyuki (檜山修之)
pinterest . . . . . tba


personality . . . hardworking, charming, extravagant, flashy, direkt, open, honest, supportive, arrogant, dominant, pushy, narcissistic, annoying, loud, weird

likes . . . . . . . . . fashion, flashy colors, fashion, being surrounded by people, fashion, wine, fashion, crazy parties, fashion
dislikes . . . . . . .silence, being sick/unable to work, generalization of people, plainness


Devin grew up in an average family. Even though his father was a successful business man, the money he earned was immediately spend towards his businesses again instead of supporting his family. Beside his mother who worked as a marketing manager, Devin had a little sister who he had spent a noticeable amount of time with as they had a lot of similar interests and hobbies. Just as his family in general, his childhood was pretty average. He was the kind of person who didn't mince matters and was a very extroverted and charismatic guy. His interest in clothes and fashion made him popular with the girls, his interest in sports made him popular with the guys, and his overall charming manners made him popular with anyone who had no interest in sports nor fashion. 

His interest in fashion started rather early. At the young age of 13, Devin and his grandma tidied out her attic and found her old sewing machine which she then gifted him and taught him how to use on his request. Soon Devin started to sew old pieces of his clothes together to his liking. His mother was furious when she noticed that her son was destroying all his clothing pieces that she had purchased him. However, after realizing that the boy was actually wearing his crazy creations out in public, she stopped trying to prevent him from it and waved it off as a weird phase of him. He once had an emo phase after all. 

His "phase" soon turned out to be much more.  He attended a design school for fashion after graduating and later, after several jobs in the design industry, started his own fashion company at the age of 22. No one but Devin expected his company to rise up to become a high class brand in only a few years but it did to the surprise of everyone. O'Sullivan is now a very popular international luxury brand.


  • his mother is no fan of his design style but supports him anyway
  • he has a crooked grin on his face most of the time
  • his eyesight is very bad and he can't see shit without his glasses
  • he used to wear very ugly glasses as a child so he created his own collection of fashionable glasses for himself
  • even though he isn't considered a handsome man, his charm can wrap everyone round his finger
  • therefore he has a very active sex life 
  • travels a lot due to his job
  • he considers his little sister his best friend, they have a very good relationship