


9 years, 6 months ago







pavel ivanov // male
gray wolf // 25yo // aug 25
leo // pan // poly // single



ivan suffers from chronic nosebleeds and gets them all the time. he's very susceptible to them, in that a punch to the face that wouldn't normally cause one might, but also if he sneezes too hard he's likely to get one.

despite the nosebleeds being as frequent as they are, the rest of his cuts and bruises are mostly from scuffling, and his close friends are starting to worry he may have joined a fight club. they aren't entirely wrong--he makes a hobby of boxing and is interested in other fighting styles as well, but he bruises easily--though he has a high pain tolerance--which ends up looking pretty bad.

despite his tough exterior, he is very polite on the job, almost seeming like a different person at his day job at 7/11, though mostly because he's paid too and he's been fired for having a bad attitude one too many times before.

he's very grumpy ordinarily, as well as out of touch with his emotions--he rarely offers anyone a genuinely smile and never gets excited about things. he comes off as standoffish because of his but his apathy makes it impossible to break the habit. he's not big into socializing, and if he's being forced out, he won't hesitate to complain about how he'd rather be home, or anywhere else. however, if he's with the right crowd or person, he can convinced to do things he wouldn't normally, and with a few drinks in him, is less likely to complain.

ivan also isn't great at being subtle, very blunt and too the point about how he speaks--additionally, he's not shy about insulting others. more infuriatingly, he doesn't take offense very easily either--a combination that often leads to fights and fights that lead to a more beat up ivan. 

he says he has no interest in relationships but enjoys one night stands and friends with benefits--he would probably enjoy a relationship if he somehow did end up in one, and deep down craves emotional connections.

ivan is not his real name--his real name is pavel ivanov. pavel is a russian name meaning small, and being called small isn't something ivan enjoys. for a while, he simply went by ivanov instead, but people sometimes had trouble pronouncing it; other times, they recognized it as a surname and asked for his first name. now that he's started going by ivan, he hasn't had any problems and is much more comfortable with the name. (would probably let a date type person call him pavel tho)



// friend with benefits

shark dude that he fools around with. jet is very attractive and good for a roll in the hay, but his enthusiasm and positivity can sometimes be draining for ivan. still, he enjoys the man, even if in small doses. but he makes sweet burgers.


// friend with benefits 

coyote that ivan fools around with. north, like jet, is more positive than ivan, but likes partying and drinking, which are things ivan can get behind. he has a bit of a soft spot for north, but isnt about to say anything.



  • 5'7'', well muscled but not quite buff
  • his name, "pavel," means small
  • he works as a cashier at 7/11 during the day and works as security at a rock club at night
  • single, but dates around
  • clothes