


1 year, 10 months ago



AGE 14
SEXUALITY bisexual
SPECIES inkling


Onyx is probably the least traumatized out of all my ocs HAHA, shes actually had a really healthy normal laid back life. When she was younger, her father was a musician and would always show her his new music before anyone else, she looked up to him a lot and was a major daddys girl. Her mom was always away and busy with work, but they still had a good relationship and she was happy whenever mom was home Her dad passed away when she was around 10 due to an unknown illness that started taking course of his body and causing him to not be able to play his instruments as much anymore, and in turn Onyx inherited his equipment and grew a love for music. Her dad was a major influence on her life and she often references him in a lot of the songs she produces, shes especially good with string instruments, and if you were to come to her house she would probably want to show you what shes been learning on her dads old guitar Shes in the same friend group as Whisp and Ina, and is actually the reason theyre dating!! They were on seperate teams at a splatfest and she saw them chatting about in the lobby, she was getting hints from both of them that they were into eachother but both were too shy to make a move. Onyx, being the best wingman that she is, decided to join a battle with them and set them up, they soon all became really good friends and with Onyx’s help Whisp and Ina did end up becoming extremely close

Onyx is transfem but i havent really figured out how or if im going to assosiate that into her story, her family and friends are accepting so even if i did it would not make an impact !! Personality wise Onyx is very joyful and fun to be around, shes probably the most compassionate and considerate out of all of my ocs, and just wants people to hang out with and listen to her music. she would get along with just about anyone as long as they respect her and the people she loves, so if youd like to draw her or my other Splatoon ocs with yours, id love that!! she would love any of ur beautiful characters In the rare occurence that Onyx DOESN'T get along with somebody, she can come off very strong. She usually just doesnt like people who dont respect her or her friends, and she can be a very down to earth person when it comes to her emotions. If someone is mean to her she'll make a point to let them know how they made her feel, and she can come off cocky or hardheaded. That side of her is really rare though, she gets along with just about anyone! but when she does find somebody who really doesn't click with her, she makes it known

