

1 year, 9 months ago



"Something tells me you don't know how things work around here."

// Wake up, eat, raid and sleep is her entire routine. and she wouldn't change it for anything.
Ashburn originally came from an AAHW batch yet quickly distanced from it after learning the eventual unfortunate fate of anyone enlisted.
Once she distanced from the agency, she grouped herself in with a nearby bandit camp. Learning and intaking the skillset of a scavenger while slowly growing more self-sufficient. Though it was short lived as she was soon found and sent off to a much larger, stricter facility. One where she was taken in and reindoctrinated into the AAHW ranks yet again.
...But, just before she was completely mind-broken; the facility was set under raid. Which gave a golden opportunity to escape and have a fateful encounter (and bond!) with Circum. ...Though during their escape, she did get a vat of chemicals dumped onto her- changing her chemical makeup permanently. But that doesn't matter, right? All that matters is the cool looks and crazy strength she got from it.

Currently, Ashburn resides in the Somewhere. Scavenging and raiding whatever she wants, whenever she wants.
She lives day-to-day by her own rules, with the constant looming threat of a certain marauder due to her friendship with his special someone.