


2 years, 1 month ago




Hina ???










Grizzco Salmon Runner

























"I... want to be like you. Free."

Another one of the many octolings that managed to escape the deep sea. She was taken from her family for testing but managed to escape unharmed and unchanged, unlike many of the others. She’s very gentle and quite shy since she doesn’t know much Inklish… she always shows modesty and kindness to everyone she meets and doesn’t treat anyone with disrespect or discrimination. She loves everyone! She just doesn’t know how to show it. She also has two parental figures (found family), which are Grizz and Zelena, two of my other OCs!

She currently lives in Inkopolis woth her boyfriend Carter and his brother, Eric, having the apartment located right above Grizzco's new office!


  • She almost always wears her Kamabo Co. cap
  • Wears long sleeved clothes
  • Doesn't smile often, but when she does, it's small and cute
  • She always wears her hair down
  • She is 5'4"



During the early years of Hina's life, things were wonderful. She lived in the deep sea with her parents and brother, playing without a care in the world. Hina was always quite a timid kid. She had some trouble making friends in school, mostly clinging to her brother instead. He didn't mind--the two were very close back then. She loved her home and her family... which were taken from her. One day, without warning, she and her brorther were forcibly taken from their parents in order to join Kamabo Co. and their army of brainwashed octos. Her parents tried their best to intervene, but were severely punished for doing so. The takeover of Kamabo Co. threw a large sector of the deep sea into turmoil.


After being taken away from everything she knew, Hina was kept for a while before Kamabo Co.'s employees were to sanitize her. They had already begun inflicting the process of memory loss upon her, so quickly enough, Hina's memories of her family were wilting away. When Hina saw what had been happening to the other octolings around her, she was terrified. They were completely brainwashed. She needed to escape... and so she did. It was a long process. Thanks to her quiet nature and the advice of another inmate, she was able to escape the building in which she was confined and ran. She ran and ran, looking for any familiar street or house, but found herself lost. She couldn't even remember what her house looked like anymore. She searched for a while longer before passing out in front of a stranger's home. The stranger, an old spider crab, took Hina in and nurtured her back to health, allowing her to stay a while until she was feeling better. Due to the Kamabo Co. takeover, Hina stayed with the crab for quite a long time, getting to know her very well. She had practically become Hina's new caretaker for the few weeks that she stayed. Once Hina felt ready to go, she asked the crab how she could leave the Deep Sea. Although surprised, the lady obliged, sent her off with some supplies, and gave her the directions to the Deep Sea Metro, where Hina went from location to location in order to escape. She did not know that the metro was run by the same people who took her away from her home.

It took a day's worth of a trip, but Hina finally made it to the surface through an octoling dome that had a subway station. She was amazed by the bright beauty of it all, but also intimidated; where was she going to go? How was she going to get money? She was afraid of starting this brand new life, but she needed to get away from the people who were planning on hurting and brainwashing her. She eventually ended up wandering around until she found an abandoned warehouse, in which she settles down for the night. She's still a bit worried about anyone else seeing her, since she knows Inklings don't think kindly of octolings. However, the next morning, she is confronted by an inkling around her age. He threatens her and she quickly begs for mercy, explaning that she isn't a trooper or a sanitized octoling, as the inkling had thought. She was simply a girl who had escaped capture. Although hesitant, the inkling agreed to let her join him and his younger brother in the warehouse, introducing himself as Carter, and his younger brother as Eric. The three eventually grow very close, and Hina and Carter start dating... Hina never pictured herself with an inkling, but she was happy. At this point, she had already almost forgotten everything about her past.

Carter and Hina eventually get employed at Grizzco, beginning to earn money towards an apartment, or something for the three to live in. She takes quite a liking to the owners of the company, Grizz and Zelena, setting a goal for herself to impress them with her work--which she achieves. She had a bit of experience with octoling weaponry before coming to the surface, which she used to her advantage while working, and Grizz noticed her improvement quite quickly. He didn't have very many octolings employed--only a few--and was very impressed to see how much she was benefiting the company. Hina eventually had meetings with Grizz and Zelena about her work and her pay. Through these meetings, they slowly got to know more about her, her past, and her current situation. The two felt horrible about the things she had to go through. They began to converse often, sometimes bringing Carter along to get more insight on things. Grizz and Zelena had decided that they wanted to help her and Carter in some way--if they could, they could also promote her to the public--and in doing so, reduce the megative stigma around octolings. The four grew very close, and through a lot of time, Hina became practically attached to the two bosses, seeing them like parental figures. They had to help her.

PRESENT (19-21)

Through Grizz and Zelena's ideas, Hina is promoted and shown as a Grizzco hero, catching the attention of many of the company's employees and even others around Inkopolis. They help her, Carter and Eric find a place to stay, allowing them to finally feel the comfort of a real home. Now, in the time of Splatoon 3, Hina, Eric, and Carter have moved to Splatsville, living above Grizz and Zelena's new Grizzco office. They're each finding their indipendence and are learning new things every day. They're very happy with how things are now, and although they had a rough past, they all made it together!


Carter is Hina's everything. Although they were scared of one another at first, learning about each others lives and cultures brought the two together. Carter teaches Hina everything he knows about the surface, helps her with her Inklish, and so on, always being proud of her whenever she makes improvements. The two are very gentle with one another--and awkward, since they're both in their first ever relationship--but there's no judgement on either side.

Describe their relationship here! This section will adjust with the length of the text, so go wild! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Describe their relationship here! This section will adjust with the length of the text, so go wild! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Describe their relationship here! This section will adjust with the length of the text, so go wild! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.



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