


1 year, 9 months ago


For the Departed- 3:40

For the Departed - 3:40

Just a moment, dear
I hear someone at the door
And the beating of a heart
That I hid beneath the floor

NAME Departed
AGE 24
GENDER Nonbinary


Where We Belong - 3:18

Where We Belong - 3:18

I recall the day when we went wrong
Time is flying, ease your weary mind, we'll be alone
Where the skies are grey, where we belong
Time is flying, ease your weary mind, we'll be alone

WISDOM ♦♦♦♦♦

Depa is an abrasive sort of person; he has no time for other people or their problems, and he'll bulldoze through emotional conversations just to get to where he needs to. He's loud and has trouble finding his inside voice; and, when things really upset him, he will start glitching through reality, sometimes appearing in a place he wasn't before just to escape the situation. He smokes to make sure the glitches don't happen often.

Music, however, unlocks a different side of him. He's intense and passionate, and pieces he compose are always emotional works. He prefers to write classical pieces, but he's not bad at throwing in lyrics to musical songs, even if he personally finds the act revolting.

Diggin' Up Hatchets - 3:58

Diggin' Up Hatchets - 3:58

Hey! We're witnessing the waking of the dead
We're ripping all the wires from our heads
We're pumping all the poison from our veins
And scrubbing out these wicked stains

Describe your character's background here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam ut nibh eget ligula suscipit ultrices. In bibendum ultricies risus at vulputate. Ut ut laoreet risus. Fusce suscipit egestas mauris, a iaculis diam malesuada ac. Pellentesque mattis eros nunc, et cursus nisl tempus non. Quisque at luctus nunc. Nunc consectetur rutrum risus non pretium.

Praesent condimentum commodo lacinia. Donec semper laoreet tellus. Nullam et viverra arcu. Sed et felis ipsum. Suspendisse facilisis eleifend felis eget semper. Vivamus eu purus a orci tincidunt luctus a non neque. Integer sollicitudin dui nulla, nec commodo massa lacinia non. Nunc laoreet efficitur auctor. Duis metus turpis, pharetra iaculis suscipit non, sagittis ut enim. Suspendisse vel malesuada risus. Nam consequat ex mauris, vitae pellentesque nibh vehicula quis. Vestibulum dignissim, ante quis facilisis ultricies, libero nisi placerat quam, ut vestibulum neque nibh eget est.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Fusce consectetur dui elit, eget ullamcorper elit venenatis eget. Etiam mattis justo ac nibh ornare dictum. Pellentesque eu ex sit amet est ultricies vehicula. Sed dolor turpis, commodo et pulvinar ac, posuere in orci. Aenean commodo, lectus interdum vestibulum tristique, felis purus tincidunt nibh, egestas mollis lectus nisl nec sem.

Godspeed - 3:43

Godspeed - 3:43

Let me not make mazes with words
Let me be perfectly clear
Let me not make mazes with words
Get yourself, get the hell, get yourself out of here

  • Classical music
  • Anime
  • Consectetur
  • adipiscing
  • elit

  • Music without meaning
  • dolor sit amet
  • Consectetur
  • adipiscing
  • elit

  • Avid smoker. Unsure how.
  • Your Lie in April is his favorite anime.
  • In bibendum ultricies risus at vulputate.
  • Ut ut laoreet risus.
  • Fusce suscipit egestas mauris, a iaculis diam malesuada ac.

Have a Seat Misery - 1:15

Have a Seat Misery - 1:15

So have a seat, misery
And don't ever mistake me
Of all of my friends, you know
You are the one I like best


Describe your oc's appearance, such as their body type, hairstyle, etc. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam ut nibh eget ligula suscipit ultrices. In bibendum ultricies risus at vulputate. Ut ut laoreet risus.

  • Main reference
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Nullam ut nibh eget ligula suscipit ultrices.
  • In bibendum ultricies risus at vulputate.
  • Ut ut laoreet risus.

Weight of the World - 3:13

Weight of the World - 3:13

That's just the weight of the world
We do what we must to get by
That's just the weight of the world
The weak and the weary will never survive
That's just the weight of the world
We do what we must to stay alive
That's just the weight of the world
We'll all be the weak and the weary sometime

CHARACTER NAME relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sapien elit, ultrices ac risus sed, viverra volutpat velit. Nam consectetur lectus eget nisi ultrices, et viverra ex eleifend. Nam eget finibus mi. Cras et purus sit amet mauris rhoncus venenatis at a arcu. Integer et volutpat enim. Curabitur ultrices commodo lacus a dictum. Aliquam pharetra ultrices nibh, non efficitur nisi ullamcorper placerat.

CHARACTER NAME relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sapien elit, ultrices ac risus sed, viverra volutpat velit. Nam consectetur lectus eget nisi ultrices, et viverra ex eleifend. Nam eget finibus mi. Cras et purus sit amet mauris rhoncus venenatis at a arcu. Integer et volutpat enim. Curabitur ultrices commodo lacus a dictum. Aliquam pharetra ultrices nibh, non efficitur nisi ullamcorper placerat.