Aroka Niko



1 year, 10 months ago


Niko is a countryside gal who moved into the big city to become a hero. Changing the quiet farmlands for the bustling city is a big step, a cultural change she has to deal with whilst also attending UA and training to become a hero! Her favorite food is insect bars (look like any good ol grenola bar, look em up) though she's also a sucker for homey anything. She prefers things to be a little quiet but is otherwise a very cheery individual. Not very wealthy but she gets by. 

Her quirk is based on a long eared bat, the brown long eared bat if you want to be species specific. The quirk has two aspects to it, mobility and perception. 

Niko has overal high mobility and flexibility thanks to her quirk. She benefit from the ability to climb on walls. From cavewalls to the sides of buildings, the place you are most likely to find Niko is the ceiling. She can also land any jump no matter how high, much akin to how bats land with little to no slowing down. She can comfortably scale a skyscraper only to jump off back down to the ground. 

Long eared bats have a unique hunting strategy. Their hearing is so fine that they left echolocation behind, hunting by hearing alone. They can distinguish the sound of the flicker of wings of a landed moth sitting on a brahcn from all the leafs of the tree rustling in the wind, and they can pinpoint the sound well enough to locate their prey and catch it without having ever seen it. Her hearing is just as good, she is neigh impossible to sneak up on. If there is a sound, be it breathing or a heartbeat, she's hearing it. That said, the further away, the less precise. She puts sounds in 3 categories: leafs, moths and paperclips. 

- Leafs are all the ambiant sounds she doesn't need to listen to. Conversations, traffic, the tv's of all her neighbours, whatever is being taught in different classrooms. She tunes these sounds out, as they are unimportant.

- Moths are sounds she is actively looking for. It can be words like bomb or help, or the voice of a missing person. Or, yknow, listening for discount in the shopping mall. In the example of the word bomb, she can tune in to the conversation where she picked up the word, determine what exactly they are talking about before falsely alarming others. She'll track their exact location whilst she's at it. 

- Paperclips are odd sounds that she isn't looking for but will hear. Ofcourse a bat woud hear a papercip drop even if they weren't looking for it, paperclips don't belong in the forest! A paperclip can be the sound of a gunshot or the sound of someone watching an elephant video. It can also be learned, sounds with value stand out more easily. She can always hear her friends even if she's not looking for them. She can also hear voices such as Allmight, the guy just stands out. 

Her quirk has no outright drawbacks, though unfamiliar noices (paperclips) will draw her attention, so she can be distracted by an array of sounds, preventing her from properly tracking what she is meant to track as she becomes utterly overwhelmed. She also needs to actively land to avoid fall damage, meaning knocking her out while she's up high will put her in danger from the fall itself. 

With these abilities is Niko a great support hero, tracking enemies or victims, noticing trouble just as it starts, everything. She's often the first responder to such situations. Her hearing makes her neigh impossible to ambush and gives her an edge at combat in the dark. Her mobility also makes her a great martial artist. That said, she has no true offensive capabilities. It'd be best to just leave that part or the resque to the other heroes.