FunDiner Employees



1 year, 10 months ago


The employees of the FunDiner are rather..odd.they don’t seem to have names,or any memories besides working at the diner. They  rarely leave the diner,and don’t go home at the end of the day.

In reality,the employees aren’t exactly “human”. Smiley creates them by taking a human corpse and placing one of his eyes in it(he has plenty to spare.) It makes employees he has slight control over and that don’t report him to the cops or scp foundation or whatever. The issue with this process of creating employees is that they do kind of decay slowly. not as fast as a actual corpse but they do fall apart often. Smiley can always stitch them back together though.

note:employees do all look different (they used to be humans after all) but i kinda just use my “blank slate” design so i don’t have to design a new person every time i draw one yk?