


6 years, 5 months ago


Name ♦ Odette Iyana Mirow
Age ♦ 25
Birthday ♦ 15.04
Heigh ♦ 178cm
Weigh ♦ 45kg
Species ♦ fallen angel
Sexual Orientation ♦ heterosexual

♦ Information
Dancing is her only escape from reality.
Tends to get stockholm syndrome and falls always back
into a bad pattern

The Information above is old and perhaps outdated. It stays for sentiment reasons!
Although Odette persists in many different Timelines regarding this Universe those are the following things about her that persisted.


Name: Odette Iyana
Surname: Mirow
Age: 24
Height: 178cm
Weight: 50kg
Born: Russia
Species: Human
Languages: Russian ( fluent ), French ( fluent ), English ( Intermediate )

Hair: long brown hair. Nothing out of the ordinary
Eyes: green upwards tilted eyes
Skin: very fair skin, has a tattoo of a lotus on her upper arm and a string of cherryblossoms along her ripcage
Face: heart shaped face, pointy and small nose
Stature: very skinny with stronger calves due to dancing

Pescatarian Lifestyle & Dancer Lifestyle.
Rigid Routine and Structure dominates her life with the main focus of pursuing a career in ballet. Up to 12h a day she spends time training and taking care of her body with exercise and dieting. The only social Interactions she has are the ones in her career. Work-Life Balance is not a balance at all. 

Background Story - Short
Born and raised in the cult, Odette had no ordinary early life. Just like many others she , her sister and her mother faced unfairness until Dakota took over and gave them the chance to leave. And they did, but without her sister.
Yet the peace didn't last long as one day her Mother brought home a really young boy. She said he is supposed to be family now and while everything seemed to be okay in the first weeks, one night Odette woke up coughing. She inhaled a lot of smoke and when she discovered what is happening, the flames have already reached her room. She had no chance but flee through the window and jump into the snow below of her eventually injuring her knees as she landed.
Her first instinct was it to just run away and find help. Her Mothers remain were found but not the boy.
From there on she went through several foster families. And at the same time she started dancing in various studios, being a " savant " in what she is doing and eventually it gave her mind a time of peace. She didn't mind the abuse she endured in the foster families nor the many times she got rehomed. When she turned 18 she got a small flat sponsored by one of the dancing studios under the promise to perform until she brought the studio several trophies.
And so she did.
She never had any time to expand her horizon or learn more than one skill.
She was the pretty dancer the studio wanted her to be, a doll in a sense.

Father - Unknown
Mother - deceased
Isabelle - Sister, Missing

C-PTSD, ED, work addiction, generalised Anxiety, religious Trauma

Speech Pattern
If she talks it is calm and collected. Every word carefully sorted out and if there is no way she can bring her thoughts across, she stays silent. At times she has "Mute-phases" in which she is not able to talk.

Aura - How people perceive her
gentle but uptight. Her presence shows her strict routine in how to present herself in high society. She seems stiff at times but not mean or judging. She seems fragile at the same time. Generally speaking, you won't really notice her until you look for her. She is a flower in a garden of many, but when you find her, you'll understand her beauty.

She has to be in control of everything. If something is out of the ordinary or something doesn't work the way she wants it to be, she gets upset and eventually ending up with a mental breakdown. All she does is escape from what she has experienced and never learned how to cope in a healthy way.  Everything has to be clean and neat for her to feel at ease.


She doesn't belief in anything as she didn't had time to think about those things. Much rather she would like to forget.
But once in an Interview she said that " Everything has a reason." Whenever or not it was something she had to say or actually meant it, is not entirely clear