


6 years, 8 months ago


 Name : Lilanara Karesh
Age: ???
Height: 172cm
Weigh : 70kg  
Species : Kaldorei & Queldorei mix
Sexual Orientation :  bisexual/ tendency to male
Information/ will be translated soon /
Lebt schon lange genug um die wichtigsten sowie kleinsten  Kriege miterlebt zu haben. Hat viele Narben von jene Kriege und Kämpfe.
Sie verschließt ihre persönliche Hintergrundgeschichte vor allen.  Hat seit Jahren Psychosen die im Kampf zum vorschein kommen.
Findet Ruhe in der Natur.  Keinen Darnassischen Akzent ausser wenn Sie in Rage ist.
Vermisst den Park der einst in Sturmwind war.

The Information above is old and perhaps outdated. It stays for sentiment reasons!


Name: Lilanara
Age: Unknown
Height: 172cm
Weight: 88kg
Born: Unknown
Species: Nightelf
Languages: Common, Darnassian,


Hair: Long straight dark blue black hair ,front frame turned white / grey , front frame shorter than the rest, middlepart
Eyes: white typical nightelvish eyes with a soft glow
Skin: cool skin covered in varius battle scars, some of them are deeper and didn't heal properly
Face: androgynous face with pronouned cheekbones, full lips
Stature: muscular stature with a heavier upper body


A typical lifestyle of someone who serves several wars and has been wandering to find peace. A Nomadish Lifestyle with occasional housing provided by commissioners

Background Story - Short

Not sure where the story began, we will continue with a broad catch up. Lilanara had been around for ages, noone know where she originated from nor where her path leads her but one thing is certain, whenever there was a war, she was there. Starting out as a young druid in training she met some people, she shouldn't have met. It ended in an eon long fight in which she got corrupted and became insane. The endless fights, the wars and the overall tragedy that had befallen Azeroth over and over again strained her mind for eons. Millenia one might say as its suspected she had died several times in fights. Noone really knows if this has been true or not, but one thing is for certain. If she did, she had to make some sort of deal with the death. Every time she came back among people, something was off about her. Whenever it was her unstable mind or the various new injuries. Eventually there was a period of peace. A long period as she had settled down and her insanity seemed to have vanished. She had Children all who grew up free from their mothers insanity.. but when someone had assassinated her husband it had slipped again. An entire Forest had perished under her power and for a long time, there was a tree created by her in which she had hid in. Anyone who came across that forest soon had to leave as they don't just felt threatened but also felt as if their Sanity has been drained. The Nightmare was it called by some of the druids. Yet no one could reach her in her own made prison.
Quickly the Forest became a threat and people wanted her gone. They started to hunt her only to be met with a miserable and painful death, but among them was her youngest child. Upon realising what she had done, she hugged her now lifeless child and tried to gain back her once healing powers.. But it was over. Days and Weeks of grieving had led her to bury her youngest and leave the forest. Years had passed until she heard about a new war and .. well.. if there was a war, she was among it. The side however wasn't something she was used to. Only later during the war she saw her other two Children fighting next to her for the same cause... just to fall. It pained her. It broke her to see her Children die over and over again but her anger fuelled her powers and she survived once again, coming out with a victory before she vanished again. Wounded, hurt, broken. All of those things.
When the burning legion had befallen Azeroth, she came back. She was different. Calm. Most mortals don't remember the stories about her and those who do, do not recognize her. She has changed over the years of fighting alone and some might say that the time had healed her Insanity.. But those are just speculations.
- Diell, Categorist 

Husband : Died
Child 1 : Died
Child 2 : Died
Child 3 : Died
Raphael - Enemy: Missing


Speech Pattern
Has a darnassian accent
Neutral alignment: calm and collected. Very selective in her words. Isn't much of a talker and prefers to only speak when necessary
Evil alignment: Loud and eccentric, maybe even melodic. She doesn't hold back in her thoughts and actions. Does laugh a lot during a fight.

Aura - How people perceive them
Something unsettling surrounds her. It might be all of her scars and her disability regarding her eyesight, maybe the years of Insanity still lingering around. Whatever it is, unless you have the courage to its best not to approach her.


A big scar along her spine, origin is unknown. Seems to be a sensitive area.
bad eyesight in the right eye, from a fight eons ago. Seems to have healed poorly.

Paranoid and seems to be talking to herself a lot when she is in areas she is uncomfortable in.
Does not know how to handle someone's emotions let alone her own.


People suspect she has a strong connection to Elune and the Dream


First and foremost she believes in the survival of the fittest. That nothing in life is for granted.