Lamentation "Corvus" Thomas



1 year, 10 months ago


Born a bastard in a heavily protestant area of England on March 15, 1623. Lamentation was given the last name of the elderly widow who raised him and several other orphans and bastards. He gained an interest in medicine from Prudence, and began working as an apprentice to a traveling plague doctor at the age of 19. He eventually split off and started working on his own around the age of 23, and continued with this until he contracted and was unable to recover from the plague in 1650.
It was at this point he died. This, of course, didn’t last and when he revived he dismissed the event as a miraculous recovery. He spent the next several years continuing to busily work as a doctor, without a spare moment to even consider that anything was off.
Ultimately, it was not he himself that noticed anything wrong, but rather some of the townsfolk at his current stop. They firstly noticed the hordes of rats following him, and then his unnaturally pallid face when he took off his mask to stand outside the local butcher’s shop and smoke a pipe with a few of the healthier citizens. Now keeping a closer eye on him, they also noticed how he avoided the local church like the plague, and seemed to never eat. Eventually they accused him of being a witch or devil worshipper and chased him out. This phenomenon followed him all across England, leaving him unable to find work or anywhere to stay.
Eventually he gave up on staying in England at all, boarding a ship set for North America. He arrived in the spring of 1657, and traveled inland and north, winding up in what would now be south eastern Canada. He took up residence as the local doctor in a very small trading post town. This is where he stayed and worked for several decades, before his unchanging youth became too notable and he once again raised suspicion. Rather than waiting to be chased out, he left of his own accord this time, heading south into America. He roamed from town to town for the next 70 or so years, eventually fighting alongside the Americans in the revolutionary war. Once the war was won, he settled into Albany and there he stayed, lying low and using aliases, for a bit under a century.
At this point it was around 1860, and the civil war was beginning. He fought on the side of the union, but along the way was displaced to the south. After the war he stayed there, having grown tired of the city life of looking for some sort of excitement. He’d always enjoyed roaming, and been rather good with animals, and so he began working as a cowboy. However, the end of open range came far sooner than he’d expected. Unprepared to give up the fun he was having, he took up banditry and horse theft, bringing a decent amount of money for the time, as well as a decent bounty on his head.
Eventually, he was caught in Arkansas and sentenced to hang. At the hanging however, his neck was not broken and, being that he doesn't need to breathe, he ultimately didn’t die. After several hours of hanging, unmoving, he was cut down to be buried. Upon being cut loose, however, he sprang to his feet and dashed across the street to a hitching post, stealing one of the horses tethered there and taking off out of town.
After this, he decided to settle down again and started riding north again. His intention was to go back to Albany, but at one point, while riding alongside a river, his horse was spooked by a snake and threw him. He landed in the river and rigor mortis engaged. There he stayed until 1963, at which point he was fished out by a rescue team looking for a woman who’d fallen in earlier that day.
Disoriented and confused, Lamentation quickly stumbled away from the group and continued his way north. Eventually he did wind up in Albany again and slowly began catching up as best he could. In the late 80s, he was found by an agent from [hero corporation, idk the name lol] and offered a role as a hero.
He joined a team of three other heroes, these being Achilles, Ophelia, and Hypnos. They worked together in the general new york area for a little over a decade, becoming a close friend group as well as a team to be reckoned with. Eventually, however, they were tasked with fighting The Reverend, a priest with holy powers who was certain he was the vessel of the archangel Samael sent to purge the world of false gods (anyone with superpowers). Corvus was told to stay behind on coms, as his weakness against holy power would only slow the team down. As he sat on coms, trying his best to keep his team from being blindsided, he found himself helplessly watching as the reverend slaughtered them. He tried desperately to contact HQ for backup, but had yet to grasp the newly installed coms system.
And now here he is. Trapped in a well hidden base with no contact to the outside world, still occasionally sending calls for help out on the closed line for his team.