


1 year, 10 months ago


2165569.1418592195.avatar.png W I N D

== Female - Adult - Mortal - Undecided - Single - Basic Jewel ==


Common Basic jewel
Common dark sclera


1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5


What is the best creation they have made?: Waker is a weaver by trade, and all of the materials that go into her projects are 100% natural and responsibly sourced! She leaves the caverns regularly to collect reeds and grasses. These are the backbone of her art! Once properly dried, they'll be turned into pretty much anything! Waker also collects (or trades for) special fruits, flowers, minerals, and insects, which will be ground down and used to create the dyes that lend her creations such beautiful colour. Finally, once the desired hues have been achieved, Waker weaves baskets of all shapes and sizes - along with hats, sunshade, fans, and simple dolls.

Waker's favorite creation - not the BEST, technically speaking, but the one that holds a special place in her heart - is a basket she made years ago using a special dye that her mother gave her as a birthday present. Said dye is made from the petals of an exceptionally rare flower, and boasts a beautifully deep purple colour. It's a special basket not because of the rarity, though. Nope! It's special because it reminds Waker of her mother every time she looks at it, and of how close they were. She remembers how surprised she was when her mum presented her with the dye! How wide she smiled, how she told her to make something spectacular with it.... Well, spectacular the basket may not be (Waker was just starting out back then!) but it will always be in her home, and it will always be in her heart.