John Doe



1 year, 10 months ago


the most guy ever for a powerful eldrich cryptid being
left his realm because it straight up just fucking sucked and he had nothing to do other than kill other beings that were trying to kill him, he discovered the realm shared by humans and other beings and decided it was where he would be staying because it had nice plants and the sky wasn't constantly melting
he's a total mary sue. he could bend time if he wanted to but he doesn't really think about that kind of stuff and works in a storage unit and goes on hikes instead
his physical form struggles to hold all of......him inside and that's why his facial expressions are very limited and terrifying when they happen. he has two rows of teeth
well-liked amongst his co-workers. he's known as a personable and reliable guy even though many can't stand to look him in the eyes for long periods of time [he understands and takes no offense to this]
thinks humans are neat. likes their view on life and death since that's something he struggles to grasp the concept of on the same level, but he's been fortunate to only ever have pleasant encounters with humankind so his opinion might be a little biased
doesn't need to eat but he likes to. he likes the routine of going to lunch or dinner with his co-workers [the first time he was invited to dinner didn't go all too well due to his unnatural anatomy. a few of his co-workers ended up vomiting onto their plates and he felt bad so he ended up paying for everyone's meals]
living with his partner [?] thierry, a being with views on humankind [and fashion sense] completely opposite to his.