


1 year, 9 months ago


Kira Nobunaga
On Little Cat Feet
One Shot

01 — Profile

Name Nobunaga
Surname Kira
Age 13 years old
Gender Female (she/her)
Height 154cm
Birthdate 17 January
Species Namazu (blue)
Orientation. Heterosexual
Occupation Yakuchat (worldplay between Yakuza and "chat" = "cat" in French)

Status Forever home
Designer ScyClones
Open species
by @ReaChwan
  • Kira is a puny namazu with large ears for her species, they are droopy but can stand up without any difficulty. Her fins are messy. One of them, very long compared to the others, hides her right eye. Another broken-looking one lands on her head.

  • She has long whiskers, and although this is usually invisible to the naked eye, one is noticeably longer than the other. This appears to be due to a slight genetic mutation, with her entire family having medium-sized whiskers.

  • Her skin is pale, her eyes azure blue (when you see her irises) and her fins too, their color becoming darker towards the ends.

  • Speaking of her eyes, her pupils are very often fine due to her sensitivity to light.

  • She usually sports a bewildered expression that amuses those around her.

  • She wears her Yakuchat XXS outfit most of the time, but takes every opportunity to change into very cute outfits with floats and knee-high socks.

02 — Personality

Kira is a sweet child who loves to play and have fun! She is very sociable in her quest for attention, but is nonetheless handicapped by her aphasia which prevents her from speaking properly. She will always prefer to remain silent and communicate by mimicry, which amuses her. Kira gives her trust very easily but knows if an individual is dangerous for her. She also copies the behavior of those around her.

Her particularly hard past for her age has resulted in a certain anxiety that she cannot show because of her disability. Kira thus has a tendency to cry easily and get overwhelmed by her emotions.

  • Yakuchats

  • Hugs

  • Plushies

  • Playing with friends

  • Crying

  • Loud noises

  • Being alone

  • Giving up

03 — Background


Kira is the youngest daughter of a wealthy family in Dororo. She has only one brother, older than her. Her parents, at the head of a successful business, for a long time were at “war” against Don Pacha. They wanted the namazus to be able to live free and export their business outside of Dororo. They defended their ideal of freedom at all costs, and made a point of instilling this value in Kira's brother, the future heir, who ended up hating the Yakuchats. Kira, for her part, spent most of her childhood at home, having private teachers in charge of her education, so that she could correspond to the expectations of her family. However, contrary to her family's values, she began to have a great admiration for Don Pacha and the Yakuchats. She kept this passion a secret, until the fateful day of her accident.


During her early childhood, she tried to follow Yakuchats on a mission, and fell from a building while trying to jump from one roof to another. Miraculously, her main sequelae was aphasia due to her head trauma. It was during her recovery in the hospital that her characteristic fin hiding her right eye appeared. Although her two eyes are perfectly functional, Kira preferred to leave this long lock as a souvenir. At the end of her convalescence and as soon as she returned home, her behavior changed. Her ears became droopy, she was calmer and more reserved, lost the daredevil that had cost her her voice, and her aphasia gave her an expressionless face. Thus began her period of silence. The hatred of the Nobunaga family against the Yakuchats only increased, judging that they had harmed their little girl.


One day, Kira's parents mysteriously disappeared from the business world, and left Kira and her big brother alone, going on a pseudo-trip. No one knows where they are now. The eldest didn't have the courage to break Kira's admiration for the Yakuchats in order to protect her from the danger that this mafia represented. Thereafter, he no longer had the opportunity to open her eyes, being too busy with his studies and the responsibility of the company and Kira now resting on his shoulders. At only the age of 13, she decided to join the organization of Yakuchats, with success. However, at the announcement of this news, her brother turned his back on her and no longer considered her family, judging that she put her to shame.

04 — Trivia


  • Kira is a namazu. This namazu species was created by @Rea_Pyon and it is a open species linked with the game in development "Namazu Project".

  • As a kid and a catfish, she's got not thoughts but Mii music playing on loop in her brain.

  • Leo vel fringilla est ullamcorper eget nulla facilisi etiam. Auctor augue mauris augue neque. Scelerisque fermentum dui faucibus in ornare quam viverra.

05 — Relationships


Owner and art: @Vlinder_Tech

Kira and Zien are in conflict and often butt heads, but in the end it's nothing serious. They get along well without admitting it.


Owner & art: Arstidh

Achille is a Yakuchat with a good reputation for his efficiency and obedience, even though he is known for being a cold and lone person.

Kira fought alongside him during the events of Splatlock 2 and witnessed his gentleness and fatherly side, Achille being protective with kids.

Owner & art: Repthyno

Hynaumon is a Salmonoling, yet he managed to become a Yakuchat thanks to Nefer Shipy.

He fought with Kira and Achille during the events of Splatlock 2 and took care of Kira during her coma. Kira considers Hynaumon and Achille as her family.