
Noche Marwood


Aliases Little Gremlin
Age Appears 24 (is immortal)
Birthday/Sign August 5th/Leo
Gender Female
Height 7'0"
Body Type Buff and athletic, but still lithe
Occupation Thief
Orientation Panromantic pansexual
Status Alive | Single (in canon)
Flower Tiger Lily
Theme TBN
Voice Claim Erica Mendez
Created 7/16/22 (Technically, though that's not when I posted her)


Charisma 90%
Kindness 60%
Temper 10%
Integrity 30%
Intelligence 80%
Humor 90%


Attack 70%
Defense 40%
Magic 80%
Stamina 70%
Speed 90%
Luck 80%

Noche Marwood is a spirit that has a very strong bond with Mikhail She is one of the two spirits that he keeps in his company the most. While he can summon them if he chooses, he moreso prefers to let them do their own thing. Both of them have charms that allow them to traverse between the spirit plane and the mortal plane at free will. For Noche, this charm is her collar, or more specifically the bell on it. These charms are naturally very rare items, though part of Mikhail's research is to look into how to create them artificially and allow more spirits to cross over at free will. Sort of to allow a better level of coexistence.

Noche is what many would call, either affectionately or angrily, a little trash gremlin. She often hides her natural-born spirit heritage, and instead very much plays up the role of your alley cat, preferring to make her way through life by causing as much mischief as possible. She is a clever thief with access to way too many sharp blades for her own good, and she's more than happy to get a reputation for trouble. She won't hesitate to make it clear that she wants all of your attention and all of your money. She first met Mikhail in one of her most vulnerable moments. She was hurt and scared, and accidentally found her way into Mikhail's lab while escaping the situation. At first she was terrified and lashed out at the scientist, but after seeing his kindness toward her in action, she decided to put her trust in him. He is now one of her closest friends, and she is always there to look out for him and make sure he'll be alright.


As a person, Noche is very rough around the edges. She tends to start out rather cold and distant from others. She struggles with deep trust issues thanks to her past, and prefers to keep most people far away from her vulnerable side. She very much plays up the persona of a tough, tomboyish delinquent who will bully you. And that she definitely will do should you stay on her bad side long enough. She is very hasty, impatient, and short-tempered. She acts before she thinks a lot of the time, and she possesses very few morals to keep her restrained. If you upset her, you'll know it immediately. She especially gets upset with the idea of inequality of power; she sees everyone on an even playing field, in a sense, no matter what their status in society. As a result, she absolutely hates authority and anyone who tries to flex their power over others. This is part of the reason why she hides her spirit status; she knows that spirits are often highly regarded and revered, and she doesn't want to be treated like she's better than anyone when she knows she's not. She very much believes in the idea of actions speaking louder than words, and this shows in her general mannerisms. If she wants you to know something, she'll make it clear in the actions she takes. She's far from shy when it comes to standing up for herself and others, and will put in the work to back up whatever stance she chooses to take. She is very stubborn and independent, very much preferring to walk to the beat of her own drum versus following any one else's lead. She may be dummy cute, but she is also a total menace.

However, break through her cold exterior or just catch her eye enough, and you'll see a much different side to Noche. While bits and pieces of her true nature can peek through when she wants them to, it can take a while to truly see all of it. In truth, she is very cocky, bratty, mischievous, and playful. She has a very sharp tongue, and isn't afraid to use it. Her blunt and sarcastic manner of speaking can get her into trouble, but she often prefers it to false platitudes. She somewhat gives off big sister energy; she'll have fun with you and help you wreak some havoc, and even if she likes to playfully tease, she would beat up anyone who gave you a hard time. She has a lot of pride in herself, and she likes to inspire that sort of pride in those around her as well. She has a wild sense of humor, and loves cracking jokes at even the worst of times. Her mischievous nature lends to her being quite the trickster, and she finds practical comedy like pranks to be absolutely incredible. She is quite the chaotic person, and loves making herself and her antics the center of attention. She is typically brash, outspoken, confident, and energetic. She has a more devil-may-care attitude than many would expect upon first seeing her. She prefers to go with the flow of the world around her more than anything, and is very quick to adapt to her surroundings. While her often rash and reckless behavior would suggest otherwise, she is actually a very clever and cunning person. She is quick to improvise, and knows just how to get out of even the worst situations. While she would never admit it to just anyone, she actually has a lot of issues with abandonment and betrayal. She is somewhat of a walking contradiction; she is desperate for attention and wants to be able to let her guard down and be vulnerable, but she's also terrified of having her trust manipulated and being left behind. She has a past of that sort of behavior, and it has definitely shaped some of her worst fears. However, prove to her that you'll treat her right and she'll be one of the most loyal people you could ever have in your corner.

In combat, Noche often wields dual knives/shortswords (I'll be honest I'm not sure what to classify them as exactly with length haha.) She has a very fast and aggressive style, often going for multiple attacks as often as she can. She also injects this style with plenty of trickery and rogueish behavior. This is helped significantly by her powers, as she is able to use the shadows for various purposes. Her main ability is the power to "jump" into shadows, in a sense. By doing this, she is able to disappear, and gains an incredible boost in speed as she dashes between shadows. She can use this to seemingly "teleport" around the battlefield and get into wild positions. She is also able to manipulate her own shadow to assist her. She mainly does this by making her shadow into the form of a cat. Its size can differ depending on what she needs it for. If she wants to use it to help her steal, it'll be much smaller and less noticeable. However, if she needs it for combat, she'll often let it grow to a monstrous size. While she mainly relies on these abilities to fight, she is more than capable of taking you down in hand-to-hand combat as well. Alongside these, she is technically immortal. She can withstand many more hits than the average person, and even blows that would be lethal for a mortal merely hinder her more often than not. However, this does not exempt her from being able to experience serious injury. With grave enough wounds, she can be forced to go back to the spirit realm to recharge.


TBN! I don't have full ideas as of yet wheeze. My vague thought currently is that she was a very renowned spirit at one time who was manipulated and betrayed for her power, causing her trust issues and authority issues, something like that idk. I'll update this once I have something more concrete!


  • While she often gets her theft in from pickpocketing and such, she is also no stranger to rummaging through trashcans. She finds it absolutely absurd to see what sorts of things people throw away.
  • While she technically doesn't need to, she quite enjoys eating. In particular, she absolutely loves fish. She knows it's a bit cliche given her cat traits, but she can't help it. Her favorite meal out there is fish and chips, she adores it. Couple that with a ginger beer, some dill pickle spears, and a side of vinegar she's set for life.
  • Alongside this, she also really loves anything spicy or hearty. She's a fan of bold flavors, to say the least. She especially loves the flavors of ginger, dill, garlic, and vinegar.
  • She is quite a fan of alcohol. While she doesn't drink to excess and is far from an alcoholic, she still quite enjoys a good drink. She especially loves beer and whiskey, though she'll drink just about anything. As far as nonalcoholic drinks go, her favorite is easily ginger beer.
  • She is a fanatic for bad movies. She'll happily sit down and watch a marathon of horrible B-movies with you, then tell you how they're the greatest thing she's ever seen. She unironically loves them despite the quality.
  • She is naturally very competitive. She loves racing and sparring with others a lot, and is always up to compete to show her strength and merit. However, she's down to show this ability off casually as well. Play wrestling is easily one of her favorite activities, for instance.
  • She absolutely loves urban areas, especially at night. She thinks that the world truly comes to life at night with all the street lights, and loves to just perch on a high place and look over all the lights. She often describes it as a second night sky under the stars. Don't call her out on the poetic nature of this statement though.
  • Even though she knows she is more than welcome to stay at Mikhail's home when she comes out (which is a privilege she takes advantage of in the winter), she prefers to make do and set herself up in alleyways instead. She finds something comforting about just setting herself up with a few refrigerator boxes in a makeshift home.
  • She really loves couches. Even when she's allowed to stay at Mikhail's, she often refuses to use the guest bed in favor of the couch. She finds couches absurdly comfortable for reasons not even she is entirely certain of.
  • She always sleeps in the weirdest positions, and is prone to shifting these positions a lot in her sleep. Many people are very confused as to how any way she lays could be even slightly comfortable.
  • While she is INCREDIBLY embarrassed to admit it, when she's feeling particularly happy or blissful, she has a tendency to knead and purr like a cat. Point this out and she will smack you.
  • Her ears and tail are VERY expressive. Even if she's trying to hide her emotions, they will often betray her and show how she's truly feeling. While she isn't the biggest fan of this, it also helps get her intent across when she's being sarcastic, which she appreciates.
  • Despite her big, bold mannerisms, she is actually surprisingly skittish and jumpy. This is especially the case with sudden loud noises. As such, she is absolutely terrified of thunderstorms, as embarrassed as she is to admit it.
  • Surprisingly, despite her otherwise catlike demeanors, she actually quite enjoys water. While she's not a big fan of rain, as it's often accompanied by thunder which she hates, she doesn't mind things like bathing or swimming. She actually quite enjoys swimming. However, you also need to watch her when she does to make sure she doesn't just pluck any fish up out of the water.
  • She is very much prone to getting tsundere-like when she likes others. She will often deny it as often as she can, but her ears and tail always give away her feelings.
  • In the event of liking someone, she would get incredibly awkward. She would likely push to make herself seem as cool as possible, and couple that with the cheesiest pick-up lines until they get the point. She would be very dorky, to say the least.
  • While she would never admit it, she actually quite likes receiving head pats, rubbing/scratching behind her ears, kisses/rubbing on her belly, and attention to her chin, be it rubbing, scratching, or kissing.
  • She really loves carrying others. She's not even entirely sure why, she just adores being able to show off her strength like that. She is also a sucker for pulling people in by their collars or gently pinning them next to walls for romantic gestures, such as kisses. She understands it may come off as aggressive, but she hopes it doesn't read that way at least!
  • She finds displays of strength and coolness to be some of the most romantic gestures out there. She is the kind of girlfriend who would play every game at a carnival with you and win you all the biggest prizes she could. She also absolutely loves the idea of being able to train and playfully wrestle with a partner especially. The idea of being able to throw flirty banter in between moves just sounds incredible to her.
  • More later honestly haha, I know I have more but I'm struggling to want to type so,,



Character [ relationship ]

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Character [ relationship ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.


Character [ relationship ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.