


6 years, 5 months ago



  • Commonly used as my fursona, however she was orginally just a character so she isn't fully 'me' per say.
Species info:

Moon is a type of demon that, when younger, will take the appearance of other animals (in this case a cat). As they age they show more and more demonic traits (such as extra mouths, having magic abilities and horns) to the point where they only vaguely resemble their past form. 

This type of demon also is unable to digest anything (food) but raw meat, so therefore they attack innocent bystanders for their food and devour them. they can go many days without eating, however this makes them more and more crazed/dangerous so it's rare to see one go many days without eating. Because of their eating habits they are hunted down and killed by other creatures (to save themselves from being eaten). and often these demons are  killed in cruel ways or as a public event.

 It's common to see them try to blend in with other animals due to not wanting to be hunted down and killed.they will hang around villages and such. however the species doesn't work as a group and canibalisum within the species is common.