Twig (W.I.P.)



1 year, 10 months ago


Ve/Vem/Veer, Little imp guy!

Skittish, tweaky, mischevious and tends to march to the beat of veer own drum. Born as an Imp in Hell, ve isn't the toughest nail in the box, but ve does posess the power to 'borrow' other people's abilities via use of veer tail. This, along with veer taste for chaos and general disregard of the feelings of others, has led to vem running amok in and out veer home dimension, either trying to chase down veer next victim or outrun the last one as they try to get their abilities Back. as a Hellborne Imp ve is able to slip through the barriers sepharating Hell and The Outside because of veer naturally more 'magically charged' body and soul, which cannot be dragged back down to Hell as of lack of magical imbalance. Isn't very emotive or talkative, communicates mostly through devilish chittering or various 'bony' noise. 

Caused Lemon to depart Further from Hell by stealing his powers and dragging him on a path of destruction all the way from the Outside into the Groovyverse. (The_View-Monster's setting)

Heavily inspired by EIAL, but more specifically Skeleton Appreciation day and 6up 5oh Cop-Out (Pro/Con).

More T.B.A.