


6 years, 8 months ago
Trade Listing
For Offer


Please tag FRITZOVICH in your comment or else I might be late to reply.
To tag me, type out @(/)FRITZOVICH (without the slash and brackets)!
You can also DM me on that account or comment on this bulletin.

All owed art must be finished within 1 month (~30 days) unless stated otherwise. If the deadline has passed
and you have not finished at least one piece of art (assuming you offered 2+), provided any WIPs, or have generally
been uncommunicative, I reserve the right to back out of the trade and accept a new offer from someone else. If I back
out of a trade, I will always communicate that with you. Do not assume I have backed out if I haven't said so.

Please do not offer me character trades or customs. I not interested.