Noah Mack



1 year, 10 months ago



Born March 17th

16 years old

  • Noah is a member of Team Cloverleaf, a trio whose job it is to navigate Shifting Labyrinths in order to complete various missions for their guild. Intelligent,  creative, and contagiously optimistic, Noah is the rock of the group and  so has become the de facto leader.

    Before The Event, Noah lived in one of the neighborhoods just outside the city of Indianapolis. He's from a family of nature lovers, so he had the  opportunity to spend a lot of time in both the city and the forest. He's  quite versatile as a result and feels at ease in many types of  environments.

    As long as he can remember, Noah has loved to make things, and he has always dreamed of being some sort of artist. This dream was ignited into a passion once he and Susie began to make amateur comics together as an artist/writer duo. It was what they had planned to pursue upon completing high school, but the world quite literally fell apart before  then. He would end up waking up from a five year cryosleep in an underground facility along with Susie and Joe, a boy neither of them  were familiar with.

    After gaining their bearings and getting some information advice from a  friendly traveler, the three of them endeavored to reach the coastal city of Beacon. Over the course of their adventures, they became a tight-knit group, which led them to form an official traversal team when  they finally arrived and found out that the ability to get through Shifting Labyrinths was somewhat of a commodity.

    Noah has a gentle personality and is definitely not a fighter-- so going toe  to toe with the monsters that dwell in the labyrinth was a huge learning curve for him. He ended up turning to his slingshot, which allowed him to fight from a long distance. The strength of it largely depends on what precisely is being fired, but even very weak projectiles are better than nothing when you're dealing with a malicious being that  wants nothing more than to wreck you.

    Noah is able to competently defend himself and his friends, but fighting  never really becomes his strong suit. Where he truly shines is in healing, and he quickly becomes the designated medic of the group. He always carries a first aid kit on his person, and once reaching Beacon, he begins to use a portion of his newfound free time in order to study  up on how to better treat injuries. He's no doctor by any means, but he can patch up minor field injuries and he's always learning new things from the more experienced medics at the guild.

    Noah is sweet and approachable, so he makes friends with ease. His  earnestness means that people often feel comfortable sharing things with  him that they would be unlikely to tell anyone else- often in the form difficult things they are going through. He will always lend an ear, but his overactive empathy means that this can be really emotionally draining for him and can leave him exhausted.

    Noah still makes art when he can, and he finds it really helps him with  stress. He still wants to return to making comics someday, but currently he's doing shorter and less intense creative projects. A lot of it ends up either on his dorm wall or as a gift to someone. He actually made the clover jewelry that he and his two companions wear (it's how they got their team's name).

    Some additional tidbits:

  • Gift-giving is actually Noah's love language. He especially likes to give  people homemade gifts! Although, regardless of whether or not he made, found, or bought something, his gifts are always very thoughtful. His eye for detail and strong memory really comes in handy here.
  • His theme color is green, but Noah himself legitimately cannot decide what his favorite color is. They're all good and important in their own way, after all! If someone asks him, his answer is almost always "rainbow".

  • His  favorite season is spring, and he loves when everything's in brand new bloom. His parents had a huge garden that occupied both the front and back yards, so a lot of his core memories are centered around that time of year.

  • Noah loves video games! A lot of the art he creates is still inspired by the  visuals in games he played as a kid. (He's a Nintendo guy...  specifically a Kirby, Pokemon, and Animal Crossing guy)

  • He  a b s o r b e d his mom's taste in music. That is how he ended up with  his favorite song as MMMBop by Hanson. (He is not sorry and neither am I)

  • Like every member of Team Cloverleaf, Noah's name is rainbow themed!  Specifically it refers to the ending of the story of Noah's Ark, so it  can be taken to mean a rainbow that appears after a storm/a time of  great difficulty. (Befitting of a protagonist for a post-apocalypse story.) The literal meaning of the name Noah, "rest" and "repose" fits him as a healer as well.

  • He  knows how to blow bubble rings underwater. This is completely irrelevant information, I'm just proud of him and want people to know  about his cool trick.

  • His  birthday is on St. Patrick's day. Sometimes this causes him to forget about St. Patrick's day until it happens, because he's lost in the birthday time sauce. He's like "Haha wow lots of people are wearing  green! --oh, right."