Nymeria's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

ottermeal Global Rules
All owners of my designs must read and agree with my


Failure to do so will lead to you being blacklisted and barred from owning any of my designs.


Do not trade, sell, or otherwise change ownership of my designs with individuals on my blacklist. Doing so will result in you also being added to the blacklist, and barred from owning my designs or commissioning me.

Drama regarding these individuals will not be tolerated. Anyone on this list is there for a reason and will not be removed. This list exists as a means to keep myself comfortable and safe in my online spaces.

- BastionBitch / qwertydragon
- BirdAttitude / C0ZR10N / MillistheDevil
- Tiktaaliik
- clovercoin
- valkyrie_mk001
- sskysoull
- Westernhaunt
- sibbi