Wesley Nefarious



1 year, 9 months ago

Basic Info


Wesley Nefarious




They/Him or He/They (varies), AMAB nonbinary DemiMan.

Sexual Orientation

Unsure yet, questioning

Current Occupation

Lives with their parents but is already renowned on the internet as a professional game leaker and emulator programmer.

Favorite food

energy drinks

Favorite show

Lance and Janice (insists he likes it ironically)

Favorite video game genre

SNES era JRPGs, absolutely adores Earthbound


Dr. Nefarious/Elaris fankid, hahaha.

In my headcanon, hybrids don't really exist in the RaC universe so much  as you can go into a kid growing lab and choose what parent species you  want your child in and the other parent gets some of their physical  traits mixed in there to create someone that is 100% one species but has  some facial features of the other parent. A good 30% of the RaC  population are grown in these kid labs and no one sees it as that big of  a deal. It’s just another giant industry like the wedding industry or  the funeral industry in their world.

Although in Wesley's case, one of those tubes got stolen in the middle  of the night and his father’s physical traits come from a bunch of  eviscerated meat that's been saved in a Tupperware container for the  past two decades.

Anyways, Wesley! Since both of their parents were relentlessly bullied  in their youth, he was homeschooled and, as a result, is kind of  clueless with social interactions. They grew up pretty well-adjusted but  they’re also slightly edgy, hates and distrusts “the government” for  how his parents but especially his mom were treated, and knows how to  turn any fast food self-service kiosk into a Doom ROM if given like  twenty seconds. He’s also a notorious video game leaker and has made  several beloved emulators in his world.

He’s less “supervillain” and more “midseason anime rival that later befriends the hero after they lose a few times”.