


1 year, 9 months ago



Shiro comes from a family of pureblood vampires, he has been around for so long that he's forgotten how old he is but he has been around for 100s of years, his appearance is like that of a young man in his early 20s although he actually looks alot like a woman in the face as he has very delicate features along with a lean slender body and soft white skin because of this he does get mistaken for a lady at times till he opens his mouth..his voice is actually deep which surprises people.

his eyes are naturally red and his hair is naturally white a very common trait for pureblood vampires, his hair is very long with soft waves and bangs across his forehead, he likes to wear makeup most notably red lipstick which makes his already feminine face look even more woman like, despite this Shiro is not a crossdresser he is more like an androgynous Dandy he does not try to fit under feminity or masculinity he is just himself he likes to be pretty but has no interest in wearing a dress or being referred to as a girl. He is in a relationship with a half vampire half human hybrid named Melkor, this causes some problems as Shiro comes from a 100% pureblood upper class vampire family they pride themselves in who they are and look down on hybrids seeing them as beneath them and see them as a threat because they would like to keep the vampire world free of humans, Shiro is hurt by his family's hostility over his choices especially his father as he used to be very close to him in his families eyes he is a traitor for walking out on them and having a half human  for a lover. One other thing that sets Shiro apart from vampires is he's pretty much the vampire version of a vegetarian he does not like to drink blood from humans so he typically takes a substitue for blood to survive an artificial form of it, however there might be times when it is not enough and he's in desperate need for true blood he does his best to resist because it goes against his views but his half human partner Melkor has offered himself as a donor for when Shiro needs blood desperately, he was not always like this he used to prey on humans just as much as any other vampire would and he shared some of his families elitist views but overtime Shiro began to change into a more gentle kind compassionate vampire who felt empathy for all living things, he wishes to not harm a single soul no matter what species the main thing that caused him to change was an event that took place very long ago that gave him feelings of guilt and remorse he made a vow to never harm an innocent being ever again . 

Shiro does feel lots of guilt over his past and hates his former self that was just as bloodthirsty as any other pureblood vampire, Melkor often tries to remind him it was not his fault as he was just following the world he was brought up in.