


Basic Info


Punky things, classical music, going to concerts


Rainy days, outdoor venues, smoke

Favorite Food

Star candies


Skulls/things with skulls on them

Random Tibit

is colorblind


Outer Venom Ocean (Ovo)


Hannah; pronounced "Haah-nah"

All Hannah wanted to be when she was little was a painter. 

She loved seeing all the pretty pictures at the local museum, how the painters managed to mixed the paints together so perfectly as to make random spots of color look like something lifelike. It just resonated with her. So all her life she spent honing her talent to mix paints like the painters, and she thought she was doing well. So when the time came to submit her pieces for critiques for college, she was sure they would see the same beauty she did! But they didn't, and she was so distraught. How did they not see the same beauty she did? I mean she painted the painting just like real life. But that's when she found out something people had been hiding from her her entire life. 

She's colorblind. 

Why no one told her this sooner she doesn't know, but yeah. That's not news she took too kindly too. But after a small mental breakdown and a few trips to a therapist, she found a new dream goal of hers: Baking. Cupcakes, pasteries, lemon scones, she can make them all! And they don't require color coordination so yay on her. Now she spends her time working at a local bakery apprenticing, hoping to one day open up a shop of her own.