Diamine (References)



Art Reference Info
Personality / Posing
  • Very solemn and serious. Does smile, but usually small with a closed mouth (no teeth)
  • Books, fountain pens, dip pens, inkwells, coffee, tea, papers, notebooks, are all things that could be found around her.
  • Sometimes she likes to sit or lay on the floor with a book or whatever writing she's working on.
  • Will bring a book with her places so she can avoid talking to other people.
  • If flustered, or surprised, she'll fold her ears way back so they're only visible where they go up over her head, and will tend to "smooth down" her skirt.
  • If she laughs, she'll hide her mouth behind her hands
  • She also has a tendency to turn her face away from someone if she's having trouble keeping a straight face, whether form laughter, embraressement, anger, or otherwise
Design Notes
  • Anything you could reasonably picture a very formal woman to wear in a victorian or steampunk setting will work for her clothing.
  • She has two tails - should be similar in fur texture to a bombay cat
  • Ears are a combination of butterfly wing and a cat's ears - they can have a furry texture.
  • The pattern on her ears limbs, and tails, does not need to be exact, or even well done - feel free to scribble it.
  • Her lower legs are made of glass and filled with ink, so the contents should shift with different poses.
  • Her body is ball-jointed with the joints being colored black.
* Some images have additional clarifying info