Sifnos Myrsini Hiera



1 year, 10 months ago


Ninth in line to the throne. Three years Kythira's senior.

In his youth, Sifnos had convinced himself and everyone around him that he was to be the host of Selene. It wasn't unheard of for the Goddess to take a male host, though rarer, and he seemed marked for it - silver hair, lightstar eyes that lightened further when he was in the throes of one of his infamous visions. He wanted it, so bad, and it wasn't unlikely. He was studioud and pious and dedicated, waiting for the day the confirmation would come and prove him right.
And then Kythira grew into themself, and the reincarnation was sure. The Empire rejoiced - Sifnos did not.
He's still on some level convinced his sibling is a fake and that it really is him, but, as he couldn't take their place and had already been studying for it, he became Syskeptomai Prota (first consult) for the temple(basically visier/right hand role to the Goddess' vessel). And, after they abandoned their duties - well, he was likely the only person on the face of Sedna excited they were gone. Finally, he could run things in their stead and enact the TRUE will of the Goddess. On one hand, he's probably been leading most of the sorcery accruing star power just barely keeping Sedna running and out of ruin. But on the other hand, he's a fucking bitch and a blasphemer.

Has a whispered epithet of "the False Prophet", but since he's a prince and an acolyte those whispers are quickly silenced.
Frequently has "visions" and sees omens, premonitions of the future. Half of these are theatrics, exaggerated falsehoods to pacify the people. The other half of these are foggy claptrap, useless little palm-readings that give only a spring of foresight. Only rarely is it he has a true sight, a real prophetic vision, but when he does what he sees is the absolute truth.

Notably he does not get along with any of his siblings, really, except those he just doesn't talk to, that's about as good as it gets. There seems to be a stronger feeling of animosity between Sifnos and his brother, Chrysostomos, the Royal Assassin.

Royal portrait hanging in the palace halls is of him in his teenage years, endlessly elfin and innocent and gorgeous - deceptive, almost. What he has in beauty he doubles in obnoxious, grating personality. Prince Sifnos is known to have quite a few admirers, among the civilians from afar, who never have chance to speak to him personally and therefore don't know how goddamn annoying he is. Often these fanclub members visit him in the Temple during duties and are roped into a horrible diagnostic of divinatory abilities or a dissertation on starsorcery. Maddening.