Suzume Sombreciel



2 years, 1 month ago


WARNING: this profile might have code geass spoilers

Current Name: S.S.

Past Name(s)/Alias: Suzume Sombreciel, Infinity

Gender/Sex: Female

Nationality: Britannian

Personality: Suzume is overall a calm and calculating individual, but not to the extent of Lelouch. Rather than skill in reading the battlefield, Suzume is skilled in reading people and their emotions. As such, she is good at figuring out how to rally someone to her cause and is capable of acting as a leader, but doesn't mind stepping down to act as a follower when necessary. Suzume likes acting outwardly childish and stubborn about unimportant things as a way to conceal her real thoughts, but it ended up rubbing off on her actual personality to an extent. Even so, Suzume can switch that part of herself off in an instant to act serious when the situation requires it. Suzume doesn't come to trust people easily, but those who she does trust, she is loyal enough to that she would die for them. Conversely, betraying her trust is something she will virtually never forgive, even years later.

Geass: w.i.p. but it's something like this - When Suzume makes eye contact with someone and asks a question, she instantly has access to every memory related to her question that her target has. The target is unaware that this happens and remains in a trance while she searches through the memories. The Geass can be used a maximum of three times per person(nothing happens if she tries more than three times)

Story: w.i.p. but I'm pretty sure she was close friends with Lelouch before the events of Code Geass and joined him in his mission as Zero, acting as Infinity. Suzume did not originally have Geass from C.C., and only received it after they defeated Mao.

Partner(romantically): L.L./Lelouch vi Britannia/Lelouch Lamperouge


-No longer able to turn her Geass off, thus wears the contacts to prevent accidentally activating it

-She's a Britannian, but her parents liked the names Elevens had and gave her one of their names

Design notes:

-You can draw her with the green Geass-blocking contacts or the Geass eyes, either is fine

-Some of her hair is in the ponytail and some of it is just look

-The amulet on her choker is shaped like a rose

-The amulet on her choker glows when she uses her Geass

-The red Geass symbol on her chest is NOT OPTIONAL