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morning to evening, ducking and weaving through nice pictures and tragedies!

NAME Verveine Baudelaire
ORIENTATION gay demisexual
GENDER non-binary transmasc (any)
AGE 28 (appears 24)
RACE half-elf (reborn)
CLASS sorcerer (lv. 3)

STR 13
DEX 15
CON 18
INT 14
CHA 20



A strange marvel of science, necromancy, or both, Verveine is someone that defies all natural law - he came back from the dead! Awakening beneath a pale, flowery shroud within the wastes of Xhorhas, he managed to find help and was taken back to the capital city of Rosohna.

He was sponsored as well as taken in by the Baudelaires, a wealthy family of journalists and scholars that live for a good story—and a living revenant was just what they needed after a long stretch of nothing. Under their wing, Verveine would learn to share their passion for captivating tales and people, and become a well-adjusted member of the household. It took some time, as these things do, but he's right as rain now!

It’s been about four years since then. While Rosohna was lovely in its own right, he thought... wouldn’t it be just great to travel the world and see how people in different places live their lives? So he asked! The Baudelaires were thinking the same thing, so they said yes—of course, he knew they would. After receiving the proper funds, he set off with his adoptive sister, Reverie.

Now, he’s ended up in Jigow to study the local culture there, but chances are he’ll get a little more than he bargained for...



Verveine comes from money, and whether they mean to flaunt it or not, it's very obvious. They'll occasionally say things that will make anybody who's not rich roll their eyes, and chances are they have no idea they sound like an idiot.


It's difficult for Verveine to think ahead about the consequences of their actions, whether they should be doing what they're doing, or if it's a good idea. The amount of times they've probably been scammed or wound up in the wrong place at the wrong time is unreal. They're easily influenced, and it's not hard to get them to do something if they like you.


Any sort of implications, innuendo, or undercurrent within a conversation will get completely lost on Verveine. Just tell them what you mean, and don't beat around the bush, or you're wasting your time. Genuinely.

emotionally out of touch

They don't know how they're feeling half of the time, particularly when something comes up. They can't (easily) have difficult conversations, express any sort of upset, or even acknowledge it exists. There's times when they can't take serious topics seriously, and they occasionally struggle a bit with empathy and tone if they can't relate well to a situation.


Verveine is not an individual who's outwardly bothered by a lot of things. Their field of study requires them to be tolerant of different types of people, and this has extended into everyday interactions, as well. Of course, they have their limits--but it's difficult to reach. There's really only a few things that set them off.


Verveine likes to keep what they're actually feeling and thinking under lock and key. It's hard to get them to say anything about themselves past a surface level; why would they? They're here to learn about you! Not the other way around!


  • reading - when not out poking around, verveine is usually found reading anything they can get their hands on. newspapers, cookbooks, actual novels... you name it. it doesn't even have to be interesting. sometimes this does lead to some accidental snooping, though, which they've gotten in trouble for more than once.
  • sweets - they don't need to eat, but when they do, it's usually a dessert of some sort.
  • new people and places - so far, verveine has been enjoying catching up on any worldly knowledge they're lacking. when given an opportunity to travel, or meet someone particularly interesting, why wouldn't they jump on that?
  • silk - there's not much to say about this one. it's shiny and the texture is nice


  • being alone - as someone who doesn't sleep, verveine spends a lot of hours alone. it's hard to occupy your mind sometimes, without anybody to talk to. they do enjoy the night time, that's just... a downside. in a more figurative sense, they experience the world in a very different way from everybody else, and it's hard to relate to others sometimes.
  • fire - any sort of open flame just makes them terribly nervous. fireplaces, candles, campfires, torches... they keep their distance, if they can. they'll appreciate the warmth from over there.
  • (unsweet) alcohol - or at least, the drinks they've tried. they can't fathom how anybody likes this stuff.
  • the undead - they've only come across a few undead creatures in their time, and they hope they never do again. they are not someone that can handle looking at them for long.




Verveine is a young half-elf with pallid skin and pale, short, cool-toned hair. They're tall and thin, but not particularly lean or gaunt. Their eyes are usually a vibrant violet color with white, diamond-shaped pupils. Verveine wears round-framed glasses, and they have pierced their ears with golden jewelry. They dress in a rich purple fur coat with a silken cloak that resembles the night sky; beneath it is a long-sleeved purple silk button-down, typically with an argyle scarf and an indigo ribbon. They wear dark pants and white, shin-length boots.

Most notably is their spectral left hand adorned with a golden cuff at the wrist. It's usually purple and has little stars within it.

Verveine's demeanor is friendly; they do their best to look approachable. Can't meet new people if you scare them off!


  • they're 5'11" (180cm)
  • pupils are always white and diamond-shaped unless stated otherwise (check reference)
  • flat-chested, no titties here!
  • their spectral hand can't go far from their body unless they cast a spell to extend it. their hand can also change colors - check the reference!
  • gender is so incredibly fake to this character. put them in whatever if you want to draw them in a different outfit. frequent makeup wearer as well




important note

Verveine is a D&D character in an upcoming campaign where not all backstory information is divulged immediately. If something is unexplained, it's probably because Verveine himself hasn't said anything about it.

so far

nothing yet...


  • Verveine was originally supposed to be an Aberrant Mind Sorcerer, but the Lunar Sorcery subclass came out recently and I thought it was so perfect, I just had to change it.
  • "Verveine" is their chosen name - they went by another name in their previous life (the details of which are hidden away in another tab). A verveine (or vervain / verbena) is a common wetland flower that's been historically associated with the supernatural.
  • With that being said, they are somewhat based off of the mythology about the creation of mandragora and homunculi because I just think that's neat. Not completely accurate, but I took some of the ideas from it.
  • Use any combination of he, she, or they for them. As for which ones I personally use most, it's usually they = he > she. It really just depends on how I'm feeling tbh. You're free to alternate pronouns for them, but I try to keep it somewhat consistent across pages.
  • In addition to that, I tend to use masculine and gender-neutral terms for them. For example, "husband" or "spouse".
  • They're a 7w6 and an ENTP. Their temperament is Phlegmatic, but Sanguine was a close second.
  • Here's their character sheet, if anyone's curious? I got pretty lucky with stats.




human order of the mutant blood hunter

haven't met him yet, but surely he will have no major impact on this character's life



tiefling college of eloquence bard

they are like the twins from the shining to me



tabaxi order of scribes wizard

kitty cat :D



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