
2 years, 1 month ago



  • Breedable
  • Lion
  • Female
  • Open

Rules & Info

{ please read }

  • More of Haraka's cubs can be found here!
  • You may order up to 5 cubs per breeding at a price of 50 DA points [or equivalent] each. Payment before starting, all cubs will belong to you.
  • Cubs will be done on this or this base, at my choice; if you would prefer a specific/different base, please specify. Base must be free.
  • Rules below pertain to what can be used as a partner and what I can do with designs.


  • Can be paired with; another of my OCs, one of your OCs, or a canon character. Not all of my OCs are applicable
  • Large, quadrupedal animal partners, might be willing to go with something different, but please nothing too much smaller.
  • Please specify if you would like me to restrict colors to realistic/semi-realistic/fantasy

Do Not

  • Ask for pairings with anthro/human partners, please.
  • Make me use gore/NSFW art, it makes me uncomfortable.
  • Sell the cubs for more than you paid unless they have extra art.
HTML Code by Ashe
Photo by Marc Sendra Martorell on Unsplash
Icon base by IfIWasAPlant @ Deviantart