Lillian J. Black



1 year, 10 months ago



Lillian Jane Black




6 Ft.

July 27



Them Changes - Thundercat

Perfume - Lovejoy

Sorry - Starstruck

Let’s Go - Stuck in the Sound

Les - Childish Gambino

Introduction · · ·

Lillian J. Black. The younger sister to Jackson Black & the younger twin to Liam Black. At age 11 her parents were gone and Jackson was forced into the new role of being a guardian. Lillian didn't like it. Obviously, Jackson wasn't made for this and she shouldn't have to listen to someone who was only 7 years older. She wanted her parents.

Lillian is one of my oldest ocs. There's multiple backstories for her since she exists in multiple universes so any drawing of her is canon. The way she's usually drawn is with minty green hair + a bunch of piercings. That's usually her canon look because she doesn't change how she looks that much. She's one of my faves but shh don't tell my other ocs. Usually reffered to as one of my dumbasses since she's a stupid mfer. <3


  • Girls
  • Captain Jack Sparrow
  • Fashion
  • Her pet snake(Liz(short for Lizard))

  • Kids
  • Talking abt her emotions :p
  • Her natural hair color
  • Waiting >:0!!

Personality · · ·

Lillian's a complicated person. Smart but stupid. The way she presents herself is very in tune with her attitude. Doesn't take shit from anyone. Piss her off? She'll rile you up so you punch first and she can "defend" herself. Be a dick to her siblings? Same exact thing. She just fucks around and somehow gets bitches. She's hot but not in the "white fuck boy way"(shout out to Jackson) it's in the Bi chick way. Yeah :D. She is a nice person though. Like, despite the shit she does and her attitude she's actually very sweet and caring. She just presents herself in a mean way to try and protect herself + her sibs! lol.

Positive Trait

Surprisingly comforting. She and her siblings have dealt with a lot of bullshit. She knows that so much in life just.. sucks. So she tries to comfort people when she can. She understands.

Negative Trait

Overly aggressive. She tries to hide it but it's easy to piss her off. She rarely does anything with said anger so she just hides out in a grumpy mood. If you REALLY piss her off she'll try to rile you up so you punch her and then she can just beat the shit out of you.

Neutral Trait

Jokester. She likes to fuck around and make people laugh but also does it at the wrong time. She can't deal with things being "too serious".

Neutral Trait

Observant. If she isn't talking she's watching and studying. Which sounds really creepy but she just likes to "study" people.

Stats · · ·









· · ·

I try to not let it get to me but.. not everyone will like you.

Trivia · · ·

Think's Jackson would be the first to die in a Zombie Apocalypse. She would obvi live.
Has been to jail for getting in a fight.
Knows how to play violin & some cello.
Can't cook!(SHE'S RLY BAD AT IT)
Has tattoos(She has a little strawberry on her ankle).
Has a snake called Liz(short for Lizard) & Liam has a lizard name Snake. They thought it would be funny.

Backstory · · ·

In the band Universe. . Lillian would admire Jackson whenever he played. She thought it was cool. She thought everything Jackson did was cool and she wanted to be just like him. When she finally became old enough to care for herself she would do any music she could get her hands on, wanting to eventually join Jackson's band. She didn't notice the rocky start or the way they struggled, she just admired them! When she finally joined the band(despite Jackson's nonstop protests) the band started to get bigger. Obviously Lillian was just that cool and made this all happen(jokes). Wanting to include Liam she (gently(she wanted him to get out there before his ballet career took off!)) pressured him into taking the offer of playing the keyboard for the band. When he agreed both twins officially joined but eventually Liam's ballet career took off and he left her.. He still joins sometimes! Whenever Liam joins for a concert Lillian makes sure to make it the best possible! There's also two other members in the band, one plays drums and the other is backup vocals + guitar(but they don't have any ocs so there's no current info on them teehee).

Lillian chills through most of the band au. Because of the increase in funds and the spotlight she partakes in bad habits to cope with her life. She doesn't talk a lot about her childhood and is too embarrassed for therapy so.. bad habits it is. She doesn't do anything intense but Lillian isn't the best person. She tries for Liam though.. When Lydia came into the trio's lives she tried even harder to get better. She wanted there to be for the kid. That's all there is for now..

Original Universe · · ·

In the original Universe Lillian works for Jackson's mafia/agency thing. Lillian needed money to help Liam with his transition and so.. she went for quick money. She at least tried to join one that wasn't super into like.. killing and stuff because she wasn't /that/ evil. She takes jobs that get her out of the house, ones that are risky. She loves Liam and is doing this for him but is also doing this to feed the sick thoughts in her head of wanting to disappear. At least she was on the "good" guys side, helping to stop production of goods.

This worked well for a while, her not caring who her boss was and getting out of the house. Plus it kept her in shape(In the band AU Lillian doesn't work out as much as she does in the original universe so she's a big pudgier in the band universe! :D)! That was until she found out that Jackson was her boss. It made sense. How didn't she see it?! Jackson loved mafias, he was a nerd! Lillian wants to lash out over it but doesn't. The work gets awkward because now Jackson can actually express his worry for her but she ignores it. She just indulges in her habits(drinking/smoking) even more to distract herself. She never tells Liam.

She never finds out about Lydia. She knows of her(not by name) because Lydia takes part in the other agency that Jackson's agency mostly fights so.. Lillian and Lydia have fought each other a couple times but they never know of each other's identities. When Jackson dies she swears to kill Lydia. She wants revenge.

Zombie Apocalypse Universe · · ·

The Zombie Apocalypse(ZA for now) is the least thought through universe so it's going to be the shortest. When the ZA started, the family was entirely together. Liam, Lillian, Jackson, & Lydia were all together and since they knew basic self defense they were able to protect themselves! :D Along their travels the family stuck together, caring for each other. They even made some friends! There was a white haired girl who wore red eye contacts and a blonde girl who was good with kids. Lillian & Liam mostly bonded with those two. There was a third person.. an old man, his name started with an R.. Jackson got along with him, being the older ones in the group.

Over time their friends died. Lillian & Liam only had each other. Jackson & Lydia still had R. Lillian & Liam started to struggle. They started to get slow. One day they were too slow. Liam got bit. Lillian couldn't be without him. Lillian knew Jackson. He had Lydia & R. Lillian couldn't do it alone. In Liam's last moments Lillian was there, hugging him. He turned her as well.

Links · · ·

Twin Brother
Liam Elise Black

The older twin brother to Lillian and younger brother to Jackson. He sometimes plays keyboard l’Aggression Sacrifée but mostly focuses on his ballet career.

Older Brother
Jackson Betty Black

The one who raised Lillian & Liam when their parents couldn’t. The oldest brother to Lillian, main singer & bassist in l’Aggression Sacrifée.

None.. For Now.
No one…

There is no character to put here yet. Lillian has like.. no canon friends.

code by 00Ishikawa00