Claire's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

Werido_Vibes Global Rules

note: please don’t put my designs in quality folders like lq-mq it’s kinda awkward nothing will happen if u do it’s just a nice gesture 


resell/Trade off th

use for commercial use/merch without asking 

Hide there pfs/Authorized only (giving me a key is fine) 

co-own just because it’s too hard to keep track of my designs (I’ll allow it if it’s on its original creator profile) so no making two separate profiles for the same character 


redesign (not to not recognizable) 

change species


Ships/Gore/anything art wise 

sell ocs you got for free (as long as the person knows//is aware) 

add worth using your own art (don’t let people tell u ur art is worth nothing fr) 

Opional: if you do not want my design anymore ill offer for it back/possibly overpay as well trade, Art, ect, just lmk by pinging me ^^

I check back daily on my designs just a heads up

Not following these Will result in block or character being changed to untradable untill changed back (Ik this doesn’t stop trading but it makes it harder to advertise)

If these rules are broken for an extended period of time And Im uncomfortable I will remove my credit and I will not be reclaiming the design back don’t add back as offsite link