Joshua Dylan



6 years, 3 months ago


Name: Joshua (Josh) Dylan

Alias: Blaze Flicker!

Age: Act 2, 19 (main)

Race: Human

Ethnicity: ‘South American’, the boy has a bit of a drawl, y’all.

Gender: Cis male, He/Him

Height: 5’9” and a half (it makes a difference, trust.)

Occupation: Works part-time at a beloved comic book shop near the college he attends. 

Affiliation: Superhero wannabe

Rank: At this point in his life? A nobody. 

Class: None, he’s just a young man ogling all the badass/cool supers out there.

Personality: Josh is your run-of-the-mill Nice Guy, not really one of a kind (yet), but he is generally friendly, excitable, and a bit of a naive/oblivious sort. He’s very easy going and will happily go with the flow of the tide, not wanting to upset anyone or cause any disturbances. That being said, he can also sometimes be awkward as hell when he’s in a situation he isn’t familiar with or is uncomfortable for him. His mother doesn’t allow him to have sleepovers or strangers in the house unless she is present (which she is not, most of the time), so he is a bit nervous and awkward when it comes to do with a lot of things regarding sleepovers and unfamiliar social interactions of that regard.
His excitement mostly stems from supers and how much he idolizes them and their powers, whether they be good or evil, he does not judge! Only gawks at their amazingness and prays he can get close enough to become friends. He’s accepting, caring, and will gladly hang out with anyone if they ask him for his time. He adores making friends, super or not, and has a lot of good energy to spare for others.
Feeling down in the dumps? Trust this guy to cheer you up or even just sit with you in silence if you need someone or a shoulder to cry on.
Given that he’s a football player and indulges in heavy gaming (when he can), he’s mildly competitive and welcomes a challenge when it comes to having superhero battles. He’s oblivious however, and sees them as nothing but a fun, innocent game when in reality they can often lead to severe injury or worse...death.
osh is extremely good with children, and values their happiness and safety above all others thanks to having practically raised his two little sisters. 

Background: Evelyn always knew something was very different about her son; ever since he was a baby, Josh suffered throbbing migraines and meticulous eye pains that would oftentimes result in tears. It didn’t help that his mother was left to her own devices in raising this child without knowing what to do or how to handle these situations. Wherever Josh’ father was, he was out of the picture and thus, useless to the single mother and her troubled son.
It was when young Josh turned 9 did things twist into a macabre sequence of events.
He began feeling an even more excruciating, intense pain ebbing behind his eyes, and, one unlucky night, he jerked awake from a harrowing nightmare crying his little eyes out- literally.
Small, scattered lazers sparked out of his pupils and burnt through his eyelids, his actual eye tissue melting out of his skull.

The trip to the hospital was nothing short of traumatic for mother and son, Evelyn distraught when she learned the doctors had to remove her son’s eyes from his body, lest he constantly be in pain or die from his searing hot blood building up in his cranium.
They had a solution that brought the two of them relief, however, when the doctors promised to ensure Josh had a pair of his very own mechanical, liquid-channeling eyes. They even let him choose the iris colour, which was a very exciting feature to a 9 year old boy.
The way the eyes worked is that they mirrored the liquids that ran through the small metal capillaries, allowing it to exit safely through the pupil without burning young Josh anymore.
There was still one issue left, however, when they realized these new eyes were missing something…
When the lasers would exit from Josh’s eyes, they would be a messy, spattered blast that would result in melting the rest of his face off without a resolve. It was agreed that he’d need to have a very special pair of ‘output coupler’ glasses designed by scientists specifically for him, and him alone to wear almost all the time. The glasses themself would alter the beam of the laser once it made contact and channel the liquid into a singular, compact beam. Not only was this safer, but it was also much more accurate when it came to where he’d aim it.
He would survive, and he would be okay- no more pain! Plus, now he finally had a superpower. Something he had only ever dreamed of, his room filled to the brim with comics and action figures about this very thing.
He longed deeply to be a superhero, however that was not something his mother was about to dare allow him to indulge in. He was much too young, besides! She was a busy woman, and didn’t have time to hype young Josh into a future she did not wish for him to have.

When Josh was 16, he learned of a company that created/distributed personally tailored pieces of gear to superheroes, as long as they swore to use it for good. This triggered the arguments he’d have day in, day out with his mother where he’d not let go how badly he needed to become a super, and put himself out good deeds! Help people! Evelyn, now exhausted from both her job and her two energetic 5 year old daughters (Sydney and Isabelle), could do little to argue against her desperate son. This was something he would not give up or let go, thus, with a rub of her temple and a long, strewn-out groan, she caved in.
With the wealth she procured spending her hours as an astronomer, she pitched in the funds for the company to build Josh his very own, specialized helmet to use were he to jump into the heat of battle.  This helmet would change everything! It would allow him to use his powers like a super, as though he was just born with a special ability that worked the way it was supposed to! The only issue now was that he’d have to be patient; given that the helmet is tailored specifically to him, and is such a special piece of gear, he’d have to wait patiently for it to be made. Being patient sure is hard for an excited teenager, he figured that out within days.
In the time he waited, he used his excitement as inspiration to start working out in highschool, even so much as to sign up for the football team. His days were on a very tight schedule; wake up, get his sisters up and ready, take them to school, go to school himself, finish school and grab the girls, bring them to the park where he’d work out while they played, then bring them home and watch them until bedtime. He had assumed the caretaker role for his half-sisters since his mother was off maternity leave, though didn’t mind becoming their ‘dad’ at all and instead embraced the relationship. He loved his sisters dearly, though still had his dreams he insisted on following.
He had only just turned 19 when they finally told him his helmet would be arriving via mail in a month- He felt as though he had come so far in the 3 years he was forced to be patient; he got a job at a comic book shop, started college for computer programming, and was nice and fit from football! Everything fell into place. It was time to become...Blaze Flicker.
Since his mother was too busy, he had to design his own superhero costume. His sisters, now 8 years old, helped him with the designs. The result? A pair of his jeans over a black spandex suit coloured with neon paints. It was perfect.
With helmet in hand a month later, he was free to finally explore his life as a super (so long as he doesn’t bring any of it home, of course).

Abilities: Laser eyes! His main and only super power. Otherwise, he’s just generally a bit more sturdy/durable than normal humans, and has decent stamina and strength from his football hobby.

Weaknesses: His main weakness is the amount he cares about others and his naivety, the fact he wouldn’t be able to kill anyone unless it was a dire situation and he had no other choice. It tends to get in the way, a little bit. Otherwise, he’s fairly open to being injured/ripped apart in regular ways.
If you wish to disable him quickly, the best way is to remove his helmet. He CAN NOT FIGHT without his helmet. Well, he could fight without it, but this leaves himself wide open to be able to kill himself, or give himself bad burns all over his face. It’s dangerous. Luckily though, the helmet is quite hard to remove because of the tight buckles that wrap under his chin.

Rumors: The only rumors that go around about Josh are that he’s that ‘guy that plays football real well, but is like, a total dunce’. 

Health: His power actually works against him at the best of times- if he overworks his lasers (say for an extended period of time, or too much at once,) his eyes grow much too hot for his skin and will painfully burn him, to the point he’d feel too sore to continue without letting them cool down.

Other: The bar that goes over Josh’s eyes on his helmet changes colour in contrast to Josh’s mood. It always correlates with it, which he thinks is REALLY COOL and fun.

Here are the colours for the feelings/moods; Light = Slightly, Dark = Intensely. 

Light Green ---> Dark green = Content/Happy (Or challenging as well.)

Light Blue ----> Dark blue = Worried/sad/upset/disappointment

Light Red ----> Dark red = Anger/Rage. 

Light Baby Blue ----> Dark baby blue = Scared/Fear/Horror.

Light Orange ----> Dark Orange = Curiosity (Or confusion.) 

Light Pink ----> Dark pink = Embarrassment.

Yellow = Neutral.

Purple = ….Y’know.

-He has a weak Southern Accent; his mother’s is stronger.

-He gets pretty excited when a new super’s face is shown- it’s amazing, going into this new world while being a super himself. It seems so different.

-He’s a jock in school and gets along well with the boys, but also a huge nerd.