Danetta Hanshaw



6 years, 3 months ago


Name: Danetta Hanshaw

Gender: Female.

Race: Human! Mostly, anyway.

Occupation: Hairdresser.

Affiliation: Civilian

Danetta spent the first few years of her life growing up in the ghettos of Erilia, living in the lower levels of an apartment building. She used to play around with the other children, but one day while hopping around in the scrap yard, she accidentally fell and got a large gash on the side of her leg. A toxic virus almost instantly attached its self to the wound, and began to effect her young body with ease. She went back home to her parents, and they could already tell that Danetta was falling ill. As the months passed, Danetta became more and more unlike herself, eventually to the point where she could only lay there. Her parents knew there was only one thing they could do, and they worked as hard as they could until they could afford an apartment in the middle class. After they moved, they immediately took Danetta to see a more professional doctor. The doctor gave her medication, but he said there was nothing he could do about her new mutation that lives inside of her. A mutation that Danetta is very ashamed and scared of. She will never tell a soul about it, and the only people that know are her parents who love her dearly. Eventually, she began going to a fashion school. She had the largest fascination with hair, and let her own grow out into a huge afro which she learned contains almost infinite space (mostly due to her partial mutation which mingles with very few cells.) She graduated, and got a career as a hair dresser, and the best one around! Being a hair dresser has given her all she could ever want in life. The opportunity to meet people, and to just have fun and do what she wants to do.

  Danetta is pretty HIP, and LIVELY. Since she cuts hair, and does an awesome job, she gets in on all the gossip. She almost ALWAYS has something to talk about. She is very nice towards strangers, always listens, and will take good care of her friends. But, if you get on her bad side, she is fearless- so expect hell to come your way. She is the type of person who will defend her friends to the death. Very loyal and loving in a platonic way. Love in a not-so-platonic way? Not something she thinks about too often.

Ability Notes:
Honestly, she just has like…infinite space inside of that awesome ‘fro. 

Health Notes:
She is mostly healthy- sometimes she might feel awful stomach pains, and sometimes (when she’s on her period…) you might not see her until it’s over.
Otherwise, there’s nothing abnormal.
She’s very short by the way, standing at a full 5′4″ without her boots, and 5′7″ with them on.