Johannes & Smith Von Caliburn



Name: Johannes Von Caliburn (German/English), Smith Von Caliburn (German/English)

Age: Jo is 38, while Smith is 27

Height: 6′8″, 6′2″

Occupation: Johannes is a swordsman and sword dancer who has practiced many many years to perfect his performance. He trains with grace and elegance- he insists he must be the absolute best at what he does.

Smith…Well, he hasn’t quite found his niche yet. Perhaps a…professional flower picker?? 

Personality: Jo is quite the confident and cocky fellow; he usually has a smug grin on his face and aspires to be the best swordsman…ever. He’s very competitive, and has set himself up with a condescending shell. There is a more passionate and caring side to him, but it’s buried deep within and usually comes out in the form of aggression. He must hold himself high at all times, as the highest standards he has are for himself. 

Smith is very shy, stutter-y and klutzy. He means well, always, though he sometimes causes some accidents to happen by being such a haphazardly, happy-go-lucky type of person. He gets embarrassed quite easily and will hide his face if he is feeling shy. A hopeless romantic, who loves watching magic tricks and dancing, he’s just doing his best ok? Fearful of most things…especially dragons, unless that dragon by chance happens to be just as nervous as he. Despite being so happy and shy, he will protect the things he loves.