Cyrus Erato



6 years, 3 months ago


Full Name: Cyrus Erato
Aliases/Nicknames: N/A
Sexuality:  Bisexual, though leans more towards women


Gender: Male
Age: 34
Height: 5'11"
Hair Color: Dark brown
Eye Color: Olive Green
Race: Greek/Persian
Cyrus comes from an old lineage Greek bloodline- a descendant from a family that has long practiced Hellenistic magics. It is deeply embedded into their culture and what they practice nigh daily, much to his eventual misfortune.
As it was, Cyrus never thought much of the 'magic' that was practiced by his family, and in fact attempted to deny and disregard it as much as he could. His parents had a very different idea for him since his birth, however, and swore by a SINGLE 'birthmark' that he was a reincarnation of a very important figure in their relative past.
They groomed him into this position since he was a child (not that he was fully aware of that), even pushing as far as having him taught in the musical ways of the lyre/harp; an ancient instrument that they knew would be essential to his 'becoming' of said relative.
Cyrus did not think much of this, and did as he was told despite it being strange at times. A strange instrument; not many children were learning it in modern times. His parents treated him in odd manners at times as well, fawning over his being and talking greatly of him in an abnormal way.

He grew up as a bit of a romantic with tales of poetry and true love, fascinated and endeared by such feelings and captivated by the idea of it all. He quickly found that love was not always as blissful and painless as it had been made to seem, and instead opted to saving his heart for the right person, focusing diligently on his work and loyalty to that. Much more painless, plenty more rewarding and forgiving with the effort put in.

Just as he felt he found his footing in life, establishing himself in a 'model' career and seeing his path flourish, Cyrus' parents also saw their ideals and agenda for their son blossom.
Inviting him for dinner, they made Cyrus feel as comfortable as they possibly could before hitting him with the fact that they were going to sacrifice him to their deity of ancient worship.
They strapped him in a chair, and in the process of 'sacrifice' (they scarred him up and drew much blood in an attempt to summon the deity), it happened. The deity, named Morzial, appeared in their home.
It had been so long that the deity had been summoned and offered a sacrifice, he found himself rather stunned at the delusion and agreed to take Cyrus- though not just his soul, but rather his being...alive. Besides, someone alive made a much better servant than someone deceased!
(Second ref image is Cyrus after he's been taken to the other realm and dressed as Morzial's 'servant'.)

Personality: A devoted, loyal individual. Very passionate about his work, and duties. He tries to keep a strict visage and is very…well, he does whatever he’s told. He’s easy to fluster- and deep down, he’s a hopeless romantic, and he is easy to fall head over heels.